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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Stuffandjunk

  1. Thanks for the recommendation Smiling Fox. Ghost Rider, if you want something that ha a bit more realism, more of a hero prop, then I think mine suits your needs. If you want something you can drop and not worry about then maybe one of the others available, which is not to say mine isn't robust, just detail and finish were my main concerns. Here's my original post; http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8494&st=0&p=73191&&do=findComment&comment=73191 PM me if you're interested. Bill
  2. Mine is a fairly straighforward kit to build but obviously with the hollow interior and scope a bit more tricky than a solid one. I can build and paint it for you too though if you wanted. I don't think there is a nicer finished kit out there but then it's not rubber so you couldn't throw it around, which is not to say it isn't durable.
  3. I still have a couple of these left http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8494 if you want one....
  4. I would like to know if anyone would be interested in a solid version of my blaster kit seen here http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8494 It would be the same pattern including the multi-part scope to allow it to be seen through but the body would be in one peice instead of the seperate barrel, energy cell, grip half and side plate to allow for the internal sound and light bits. I could do it a bit cheaper than the more complex kit and the detail and casting quality would be to the same very high standard but I don't want to go for it without an idea of how much demand there would be as the moulding is the most expensive stage. Let me know what you think. Cheers
  5. I think I've sent other resin models to Australia.
  6. It's the same blaster. Let me know if you want one, I can get them for a fiver less.
  7. I'll see what I can do with comparison pics, it's as far as I know the same size as the prop, it was built partly to dimensions on the technical drawing that is floating around on this forum somewhere and also on dimensions given on a couple of websites for the scope, so that should be the right size. If you're thinking it needs to be bigger for the electronics, it doesn't they are tiny and fir in the grip. The batteries are AAA so two fit in the body no problem. This is it with the Boba Fett internals, the Storm Trooper ones are slightly larger so you can see there are some spacers that come with it to fill the gaps around the circuit board. It's neat, there is a push buton on the board that the trigger button on the grip sits right over.
  8. If they're the same size as the original prop then it will be a very similar size to them.
  9. The pictures are of my friend in his scout costume holding my new blaster pistol, it's a black resin kit with space for electrics from the toy Boba Fett or Storm Trooper blasters by Hasbro. I have painted the receiver, trigger guard and scope to look like weathered black painted metal parts leaving the grip bare resin so it has a very convincing matt black plastic look, the idea being to have a pistol that is as accurate as possible to the prop while looking like it could be a real weapon. If you're wondering where the trigger is it's the button on the side of the grip, it was the only thing that made sense and means no non film accurate extra trigger! It works very well, it sits just under your second finger.
  10. I should get some good pics of mine up this week, pm me if you're interested. And you can build it with sound and an LED muzzle from one of the toy blasters! UK supplier too.
  11. I'll be making a few copies to sell on soon, keep your eyes peeled!
  12. I've just finished putting together a resin kit that can be built up with either a Boba Fett or Storm Trooper Hasbro blaster sound board and LED in it.
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