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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Ripcode

  1. I forgot! Same birthdays! Happy B-Day!

  2. Congrats Chris!
  3. Kelli's TB is darn near Lancer ready, with the exception of: - Sueded patched atop the middle finger, index finger and the thumb. She is wearing the small JC Whitney gloves. Currently the only "Accurate Biker Scout gloves" available do not come in smaller sizes (like small). Is this one point, enough to prevent her from becoming a Lancer?
  4. Welcome to this forum Honey!

  5. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Wow! We share the same birthday! Now how cool is that! Enjoy your day, Denise!

  7. WOW!!!!!!!! Looks AWESOME!!!!
  8. That is awesome bluecyclone!
  9. Looks SWEET pghfett!
  10. Until you stand next to someone with a nice fan made DC-15..... The Hasbro one looks small, inaccurate as heck and looks ... well like a toy.
  11. WTF?!? Seriously?? Could someone PM a link.. this I have to read!
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