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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by TMC

  1. SC....Very well done, easy to assemble and you wont wait 3 months to get it. TMC
  2. I know the feeling....Just finished my SC kit ...gonna do the first troop in it this weekend. The build is very easy and straight forward....FYI don't use the drop box webbing in the kit if you ever wanna go lancer, get some new cotton for those. Ck my build thread to see how I did mine. TMC
  3. Yes I do need it to be darker. I broke the lens that came with the helmet kit and had to use some leftover from my TK builds. I am getting some tint film from a friend that owns an auto detail shop which will darken it up. TMC
  4. OK here are the finished ones taken at home...Yes...No? TMC
  5. Congratulations Lonewolf!! I have been using your lancer submission photos to help in my build. I hope to join your ranks someday in the future...Outstanding work!! TMC
  6. My diaper came in!! Well here is the first fitting with all of it on....Its COLD out here...12 degrees!! TMC
  7. If your like me and have a KS blaster which is a bit heavy and makes your boot sag try what I did.....An elastic strap attached with velcro to the top abs support. This keeps the top of the boot tight to your leg and helps keep the weight of the blaster from sagging the boot down. TMC
  8. This it what it says: 7. Belt straps used for drop boxes should be made with an off-white or natural white cotton webbing. Nylon webbing is not acceptable. Cant find the specs for it but Belt seems to be nylon in all the lancer apps that I see. TMC
  9. The straps only or the belt also? Thanks...
  10. Puts a smile on my face...Thanks Dave!! TMC
  11. Give me more details of what should be done... Thanks, TMC
  12. Girlfriend finished the rest of the sewing on the straps......test fit What do you guys think? Please, Please, Please let my soft parts and boots get here soon!!! TMC
  13. The MC snout detail came in late yesterday so I finished it and put it on the helmet...Finished the tank details also: Polished the rest of the parts now the wait for boots and the rest of the soft parts... TMC
  14. Starting to get anxious....Boot will be on the way soon.....cummerbund and flak vest in about a week... Gotta try it out...the look so far: TMC
  15. Thanks to my Girlfriend and her sewing machine the belt is finished except for a few detail parts: The details on the arms: TMC
  16. I was not happy with the fit on the tank so I sanded a curve into it for a tight fit. Before: after: When I was happy with the fit I used pop rivets to attach it top and bottom and used 5 min epoxy to attach the detail parts: And here is the finished chest and back with elastic and Velcro straps: TMC
  17. OK...on to the chest and back plate/tank...I chose to glue the front and back together with ABS strips from the underside to keep it more solid: Strap slots were to small so a little work with the dremel...wala perfect fit. TMC
  18. E6000 to glue the caps on the detonator: The straps are cut for the belt....Now bring it all home so the girlfriend can sew it all together: Man this is easy At this rate Ill be doing the test fitting next week Using my laptop and looking at all the Lancer requests on BikerScout I find unlimited resources. Thanks for the help!! Well shop is closing and have a party to get to at the local pub....until tomorrow.... TMC
  19. The SC belt comes in three parts so I used rivets to assm it. I always use backing washers so the rivets wont pull out: Slots cleaned up and belt riveted together: TMC
  20. I do most of the work and then post at the end of the work day so these posts will come one after the other.....So her goes: I will start with the belt as I see this as the most time consuming part of the build. Starting with my trusty Dremel tool and the diamond cut off wheel i will cut the slots for the belt webbing. This cut off wheel is great as it does not fill up with plastic as you work. I drill holes to start then cut the slot with the dremel: The rough cuts: TMC
  21. Well the Hobby Shop was busy so had to wait till Sunday to get started. After unpacking, which was packed very well, I spread it out on the work bench: BTW Helmet is not part of the SC armor just gives me an incentive to get finished..... The first thing I noticed is how well the cutting and trimming was out of the box. Jeff at SC dose a wonderful job at this doing most of the hard work for you. Not sure how other kits come but this one is wonderful as I am used to TK armor which has many more hours of cutting and trimming just to get started. Why does my bench turn into a mess when I get started TMC
  22. Its here!!! Gonna get started soon...
  23. Been awhile but the armor will be here on sat!! I have started on the flight suite and gloves.... removed the insides of the gloves....all zippers and tags are off the flight suit. TMC
  24. I built my KS....very happy so far. Still waiting for the new snout but so far: TMC
  25. Thanks Guys....now the hard part...Waiting for the rest of the stuff to get here TMC
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