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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by miqt

  1. KS Bucket thrown in scrap bin (where this particular one belongs IMHO).
  2. Just a bit more to do on this costume guys. A little more heat for the shoulder bells I think and some thin shoulder pads i think. Cumberbund, vest, and pouches are in progress. Ive decided to glue the bucket together and let the chips fall where they may. Itll work or Ill light it on fire and watch it burn (Im not a pyro.....just frustrated). Heres a pic of the 'stume as it is, and a closeup of the saddle patch and ribbed strap. I also sewed the pockets shut and cut them out (to remove bulk), and removed the belt, keepers, epaulettes and any other bits that are'nt just a plain black coverall (It is a speedway motors suit). Mike
  3. Ok... so Ive built alllll kinds of stuff, including from scratch....... but I am absolutely banging my head against the wall with her KS bucket! *bang* *bang* *bang* agghhhh! I might have to post up some pics soon. I cant get the correct angles following the moulded guides on the dome front/rear. I cant get a proper angle for faceplate/visor mounting and even when I get really close (which I can), the bottom of the side flare out wayyyy too much, not just the sideburns mind you, they would be too easy to heat and press in... Id have to heat and evenly bend in the neck portion of the wrap around. Im gonna give it another go, but Im very close to lighting it on fire and watching it burn...... while having a Guinness and giggling like a school-girl. Mike
  4. Thanks brother Dart! I think I will hand-stitch some velcro onto the suit to hold the armor parts secure, epsecially because wife is so wee. Mike
  5. Thanks Marcel- Sorry to be a bug. I just found the lancer standard which are an excellent resource- Over at the RL there are no pics to illustrate exactly what is required. I think the lancer CRL could use a few MORE pics- esp thigh straps, mudflap, and thigh straps etc. But whomever was repsonsible for putting together that lancer page has done an excellent job! Now back to work patterning the saddle patches! Mike EDIT: Here's how the suede came out (its recycled from an old leather jacket)
  6. Thanks for the feedback guys- Im glad that the experienced troopers think the boots turned out well! I managed to do most of the heat forming late last night. I found the shoulder bells really resistant to heat forming- must be because of their shape. Just the sides of the knees left to bend in a bit. Now I have to cut the mudflap and saddle patches and figure out what size elastic goes where. Is this right: 2" for knees (have I seen 2 straps on some.. with rivets?) 2" camel thong to back of 'bund (plain elastic) 2" non roll (ribbed) around legs patch-to-patch sewn under 1.5" forearms (plain elastic) 2" bicep (plain elastic) 1" plain elastic through chin cup Are any of these wrong??? Thanks gang. Mike
  7. Moving right along- the boots are done! That was an ok way to spend boxing day :-)
  8. Well, the tulips fabric paint work to match up the sole sides and make the color more accurate (not perfect by any stretch though). Had to wiggle the trigger to get it to come out the gravity feed airbrush though! I like it - whuddya think?
  9. Thanks for the input guys. I dont know if I left enough material to fold any down with an iron. I might be inclined to add a return edge with some evergreen strip-stock and body filler but Im not sure yet. Ill take another look at the screen used bucket and look at sanding a bit more lens area out Griffin. I went to Fabricland this morning and got some 2" anti-roll elastic for the thigh straps and we ripped apart a thrift store leather coat for the patches and mudflap. Also picked up a pack of RIT black dye for the cuffs on the speedway racing suit (cause they're white), and some tulips fabric paint in golden tan for the sides of the boot rubber- though its pretty think and I dont know if It'll atomize in the airbrush without thinning (with my little compressor anyway). Mike
  10. Thanks guys- MJ unfortunately the first thing we got for Joyce was the speedway racing suit. I can see where a 2 piece might be very convenient though! I sent a msg about an SC bucket for Joyce- I see now that they are smaller than the KS so I guess We'll either be selling the KS or Ill keep it and do a scout myself in a few years. Here's where we're at with her parts now. Hopefully the shape of the lens area is pretty good. I didnt screw up the helmet nearly as bad as I originally thought- might still need a paintjob though- not the end of the world- future floor polish sprayed over Tamiya gloss white ought to do the trick. The boots are coming along too-managed to hide almost all the stitching.
  11. Hey Gang- Im pretty serious about clearing my workbench so heres the Wifes TB on the go. Im ginna start the vynil on the boots in the next couple days. Ive cut the details into the boots also. Heres the biggie though- I yakked the KS bucket the seam that mates the back to the top (I overtrimmed, now theres a gap)- So now It'll be a bondo and paint more like a resin bucket job. Also- heres some of her parts cut down (shes 5'2") as you can see the awesome MC armor parts have lost size and lost their return edges. Do these edges pose a problem for 501st entry? I can always sculpt new edges in plastic and filler and paint- It'll match the bucket for color then :-). ? What do you guys think? Also- theres a bit of heat gun to be used on these parts and I have to move /create the slots for the elastic:
  12. Well gang, The first troop went great- She loooooves her scout- and the big scouts in our garrison were very kind to her which made her love the whole thing that much more! Heres a couple choice pics (ok so one pic... above.... cause this things not letting me paste in links where I want..... wierd)
  13. And..... Done. Since this pic I built a tank topper greeb and installed T bits (out of styrene).
  14. Well gang, we did a mini building marathon last night and the scout is almost done (it needs to be cause little daughter will 'troop' fanexpo canada with us Thursday afternoon and Friday). Not close to 100% accurate but Im less worried about that with Faiths costumes cause I think she will grow and change shape faster than my two boys. Hope you like the pic.. Ill update with pics from the con after the weekend. Thanks for watching
  15. Almost there now.....
  16. Con next weekend... so its right down to the wire!!
  17. This project is voving ahead now- will update with pics soon! Mike
  18. Hey Wags, thanks for liking your photobucket of the down-sized armor- those pics will be really helpfull for my wifes build (when the armor eventually arrives). Thanks bro -mucho appreciated. Mike
  19. Not to much progress.. too much work at work... and at home..... and farm. The bucket is almost done. Im going to go with a magnetc closure and just fake the hinge bolts on this. Hope to update with better progress soon. (thats my sons kidsclone RC bucket in the pic too!)
  20. Bucket is almost done! Got a bunch of small parts trimmed out too. Mike
  21. Thanks guys... cant wait to show a sided by side with a growd up scout! The kit is meant for a toddler (probably up to 6 yrs old max)... my daughter is 5 but she is a tiny thing. The parts could definitely be modded to fit a bigger kid scout (thats what Ill do too to extend the life of the kit). Ill put down a ruler when I post up pics of the painted armor. Mike
  22. Got the bucket built up, just have to do some sanding and painting inside the visor before I finish putting it all together. I also have to cut out the vents and lens area and sand it up smooth. Theres a seam to be filled a bit too on the dome and attach the snot greeb. This was good practice before doing the KS kit for my wife!
  23. Hey Gang, heres the kidsclone bikerscout build! And heres the raw kit: Armor-check Bucket-check Boots- not yet undersuit and vest- not yet cumberbund- not yet blaster- hoping to make one and cast it Deadline- August 2011
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