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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB0438

  1. Just got some time to work on my IB soft parts as well. Great idea. I don't feel confident enough to do the straps (but nothing ventured nothing gained I guess). However I did put some stirrups on. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
  2. Hey Mike, thanks for sharing! Sounds like you're doing a lot better after some hell that you went through. Health is always more important than a hobby, glad you're doing better now, and I hope you continue to do well
  3. CloneTroopers.net check the sale forum / Hyperfirm topic.
  4. Ditto! Fantastic job guys! Oh and BTW it looks like the run on these is closed on May 4th, and (correct me if I'm wrong) they're only accepting payments for the short rifle. 2 days left folks!
  5. First of all, I'd like to reiterate what others have said. "Great job Mike, keep up the good work". I really want to see you get this done and be our first Lancer. :-) Second, I like the fact that we have this option available now. Seriously it hasn't been that long ago that many folks on this board were trying to gather up as much info as possible about the original costume. It's satisfying that we have a much better understanding of the "accurate" costume used. There's still little details that need to be solved, but overall there's a whole lot of info on what a screen accurate costume should have. This is a great standard to achieve and it's a great goal for some of us to attain, as well as receive some moderate appreciation for the hard work. Keep up the great work guys, I really like where this is going.
  6. Mike! Great work mate! I didn't know the secret ingredient to the armor was cool whip though ... very good to know :-) Keep up the great work!
  7. I have a friend of mine that knows a lot more about dyes and materials. I'm working with her over the weekend to figure out a better method for approaching the vest. We're going to attempt different dyes on what I have so far and see if the dyes take to different materials while we're at it. :-) There's also fabric paint, and I have access to my old airbrush for putting a camouflage pattern down. The goal here is to make this look as close as possible to the original. Hopefully I'll have photos soon.
  8. LOL I remember talking to you about casting the boot soles out of rubber (since they seem to be so unique). Looking forward to your progress mate :-)
  9. SWEET! Can't wait to see your armor, love your helmet pghfett! :-)
  10. Nice to see you back Frank Was wondering how your project was going. I've seen a fair number of thermal detonators with rubber pads like that for the buttons. I think MonCal used greeblies for his thermal detonator, other than that I've seen resin cast parts that look pretty much just like the rubber pads you have shown. I'll have to check your site and see how your Vader armor is coming along.
  11. So ya .. been busy with work LOL. I'm just starting to see sunlight again, and I'll start up this vest effort again. Anyone else have any progress on it? Now off to the store that sells dyes as the material store I use doesn't sell them (weird).
  12. Scheduled for January.
  13. Just a note guys and gals, the folks from Hasbro will be making a clone trooper blaster. I'm a big fan of the $20 oops I lost my blaster or it broke guns. :-) The gun looks pretty darn nice, a little sanding, paint and distressing .. and it could look great. http://www.rebelscum.com/sdcc06/sdcc06-HasbroSWRP/image8.asp
  14. Thx ladyghst, I had planned on trying various techniques to dye the material. I have plenty of extra material to test with, and my thoughts were anything from different dye solutions that give me an approximate color to using my airbrush to put the color on (was going to use that to actually add the camo patterns). When I started the vest I was more interested in working through some of the issues I would have with it that only getting my hands dirty could provide. Some of the questions that I've been able to raise by just mocking this up and playing with it have been where the belts go, what materials they're made of, how they attach to the vest, what materials the bottom belt is made of, how the pouches are attached to the vest, and now .. what dye will work and possibly what materials or fabrics should we actually make this out of. My sewing skills suck to be honest so this has also been a good learning tool for how things would fit together. I'm open to suggestions on what materials to use :-) BTW .. Comic-con was fun... but HOT ... very HOT. I'll take a look! thx!!
  15. I've been racking my brain to think of what to put on that bottom of that vest. Should it be a leather belt strap with velcro attached to it? Should it be a plastic abs belt (how to attach it to the cloth vest comes up). Maybe a heavy canvas belt that can be attached to the bottom of the vest and then sew in black loop (what appears to be the black segments) into it (have to dye the vest first and make sure it's color fast, then attach the belt, or attach the bottom belt with snaps or velcro to the vest so it can be washed separately if needed). Any ideas? Pouches shouldn't be too hard, I'm assuming there's two approaches. 1) Attach the bloody things to the vest. 2) create some sort of framework for the pouches that attach to the belt (that can probably be done easily).
  16. Heh, that's the first thing I thought when I put it on "corset". LOL How very manly. There are indeed 2 belts and the real pickle here, is what is attached to the middle (or top) belt and what is connected to that bottom belt other than the straps that connect to the front of the belt. Indeed I'm curious if everything attaches to that top belt or if there are locations on the vest where you would attach the pouches. Hum. Still need to figure out if that diaper is part of the vest or part of the flight suit and if it's even attached (I'm thinking the diaper is not given the flow of the vest when the CGI models walk). I was out getting video taped with my garrison today, so I'll probably get back to work on this tomorrow. Thanks for all the positive feedback :-)
  17. Making progress... (yes it's white ) Haven't dyed it yet.
  18. The "shards" you might be seeing may be hem lines or just a CGI error. The full sized picture I have at home shows a prominent crease at the two points I've labeled below (which you have also pointed out as the shard areas). The scan doesn't do the real picture justice. This may have caused your "shard" areas, but they might be nothing more than creases in the material they are trying to achieve in the CGI. On the flip side I could always add the hem lines to the finished product :-) I'll see if I can get a better picture of what I'm talking about. Darn inferior scanner. BTW Thanks for your feed back Mad, I love having another set of eyes on this and others opinions.
  19. I think I have the "Split shards" as you call them covered in the elastic detail. The elastic bands I found at the local fabric store have the same detail in them as the barc trooper. The picture kind of sucks, but if you see this elastic in person you would get a good idea how I made the association. Unless you mean there's a color difference between the elastic pieces (or what appear to be elastic pieces) and the cloth rows. I don't see a difference in color on the photo I have, the elastic bunching might give the impression of a darker color. I'll start taking a crack at this over the weekend and see what I can produce. I think I just need to get all white material, give it a light green dye (for the base color) then finish up with my air brush and fabric coloring (need to look into that as well) for the camo details. The bottom of the "vest / cummerbund" shows the same diaper we have on our cummerbund for the bikerscout, however I noticed that the the barc vest /cummerbund doesn't have an elastic strap up under the crotch that goes to the back of the vest. Wondering if the diaper detail needs to be worked into the flight suit or what.
  20. Looking good Army, Got something for you all though. :-) Utapau Airborne trooper has what appears to be "nearly" the same left bicep detail as the Barc. Yes, yes, it's not exactly the same, the strips across the armor piece are smaller, there are parts protruding from the detail bit ect... Thought it was interesting, this is the first clone I've seen that has nearly the same bicep armor. and http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/explor...ap20051223.html Rob The top picture is from the 501st forums, a new recruit was saying hi.
  21. Hum, can I throw a monkey wrench into this? :-) It appears that the cummerbund is 2 inch strips of material and a 1 inch strip of elastic between them (or at least what appears to be elastic .. and measurements can be off, I'm just eyeballing it). Would it be difficult to throw a cummerbund together with these two materials? I can give it a shot this weekend and see what I can do (I can sew ... not well, but I can sew). The other components of the cummerbund appear to be 2 separate belts (or 1 belt and the bottom of the cummerbund is a velcro band or something). Question though, does it look like the pouches are attached to the belt closest to the rib cage or are the pouches attached all over? Also the left bicep (if you were wearing it) appears to be similar to a photo I saw of a clonetrooper's bicep armor. Let me see if I can find a picture and post it in the armor section.
  22. I wanted to just comment on a few things. I took madphisto's great illustration and hacked on it a bit to illustrate some things I see. A couple of comments, the "wrist band" appears to pull out of the "gauntlet" in the left side of the picture, where on the right side it appears to slip back inside. It also appears to roll side to side independent of the gauntlet. I lined up the "plastic fastener" to the second knuckle in the picture and then ran a line to the rubber guard on the gauntlet itself as a very messy measurement. So it appears that the gauntlet is static and stays in position, independent of the movement of the rest of the "glove". The left side of the picture just has me for a loop though. It appears that the gauntlet and glove are connected, so I'm not sure what to think there. Obviously most of this is up to interpretation as CGI reality is not equal to "reality".
  23. Whoa wait... I don't want to side track this discussion but I wanted to quote the fett-man. :-) You can cast rubber pieces? Is there then some way we can find a find a base model boot and cast our own rubber soles? Would it just be too flimsy? Am I out of my mind? :-) Shouldn't be too much of a problem should it to take off the sole of some boot we want to use and glue ( stitch ... something) the new moulded piece to the bottom? Opinions? Again, sorry for any distractions ... carry on :-)
  24. PM sent!!! :-)
  25. I have a great scan of the Original Pix poster I got of the Barc trooper, but I don't want to get anyone in trouble by posting it here (copyrights and all that good stuff). Is it ok since we're non-profit and just researching this to post different parts of the picture to this board? I'm err'ing on the side of not. :-) I have to admit, it's a great picture of the Barc.
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