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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bluecyclone

  1. Thanks guys, you really don't know how much that means to me, really. I know most people in the 501st have multiple costumes but I just wanted to focus on one and do it all the way. Thanks again for the support!
  2. Request permission to upgrade to Lancer Status. Pitures to follow: Helmet- Altmann's (Padded, vents, fans, chin strap) Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6 Armor- SC, DJ tanktop and t-bits. Pic 1 Updated Pic 2 Updated Pic 3 Updated Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7 Pic 8 Updated Pic 9 Updated Pic 10 Updated Soft Armor- Ladyghost cummerbund, vest and pouches. Black Flightsuit with all zippers removed and all suede upgrades. Rear suede flap. Black balaclava. Added new Under Armor balaclava. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7 Pic 8 Pic 9 Updated Gloves- First pair: JC Whitneys with zippers removed and suede upgrades. Second pair: Espree style with suede. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Updated Boots- Boots with beige tread modified with online tutorial. Pic 1 Blaster- Polymar Armory Pic 1 Extra Equipment- Mic and Amp mounted in chest armor with wire running through flightsuit into the helmet. Pic 1 Pic 2 Thank you for your consideration. Mike Torrez TB-1089
  3. Request permission to upgrade to Lancer status. Armor- SC Helmet- Altmanns (modified vents, padding, and fans) Suit- Flightsuit with all suede upgrades and zippers removed Gloves- JC Whitneys modified with no zippers Boots- Beige soles, made from online tutoral Balaclava Mic and Amp- mounted in chest armor Cummerbund- Ladyghost cummerbund/vest/pouches Blaster- Polymer Armory My pics are in my gallery:TB-1089
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