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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bluecyclone

  1. Looks great, we will get back to you ASAP!
  2. On behalf of the Command team, we would like to welcome Phillip (Sentinel) to the Lancer Squad. Congratz! Now get out there and make us Lancers proud! Make sure you send a good pic to Madphisto so he can add it to the Lancer page.
  3. Thanks Phil! Other than that my man, your looking good!
  4. Hey Phil, The only issue Command needs for you to change is either your pouches or straps, either go all white, or all natural, but not both. Remember, "clean" scouts should have white pouches and straps, "dirty" scouts should have dirty white or natural pouches and straps.
  5. See Announcements Forum.
  6. On behalf of the Command team, we would like to welcome our newest Lancer, Tim "Bikercop" TB-1891. Well done brother and welcome to the squad! Now get out there and make us Lancers proud! PS. Make sure you send Madphisto a PM regarding your Lancer Photo. Avatar status change will take effect shortly.
  7. We'll get back with you shortly.
  8. Tim, The blaster is going to have to be replaced, your current one is not acceptable for Lancer status. Update with photos when you have a new one. If you need help acquiring one PM me. Thanks.
  9. We will discuss your request and get back to you!
  10. Ain't that the truth, when it comes to costuming, you're never fully finished!
  11. See this thread: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=3265
  12. On behalf of the Command team, we would like to welcome Marcel (Darthnova) to the Lancer Squad. Congratz! Now get out there and make us Lancers proud! Make sure you send a good pic to Madphisto so he can add it to the Lancer page.
  13. Good Job, we will get back with you shortly.
  14. On a side note, this Forum should be for the Applicant to submit and for the Command to respond, all other troops should refrain from adding comments, helpful or otherwise, please use PMs to convey them. Thanks!
  15. Your black thigh straps are a little too thin, those will have to be replaced with thicker ones, and set a little higher. Other than that, looking good!
  16. Marcel, The black line on your tank is a little too thick, it should be the same size as the "rank" lines, can you correct that?
  17. Looking good buddy! Can we see a pic of the Tank Topper and T-bits, thanks!
  18. You need to change your T-bits so that the two round spots face forward.
  19. You need to post the pics on this thread, some of the ones on the site are too small.
  20. Yes, she needs to have accurate gloves with no zippers and the suede added.
  21. Congratz, see the announcements forum! Thread Closed.
  22. On behalf of the Command, we would like to welcome Darth Templar (TB-4240) as our newest Lancer. Well done Jim, your gear looks great! Now go stand guard!! Contact Madphisto regarding your photo for the Lancer Page.
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