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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by 5573

  1. Thanks Yes it would. Do you have any from slightly more "interesting" angles by any chance?
  2. Haha what's a tracing card? I really need to learn to proof read my posts!
  3. Hi guys, I'm leading the current run of Legion trading cards. As you might have seen, in each set we do two equipment cards. In the next set we're going to include the scout blaster but we need some photos. We need pics that are: - hi-res - show only the weapon, no hand holding it or anything - taken in daylight so that the colouring is nice If you have anything (or can take new photos) that you think we could use then please email them to me at 5573@nordicgarrison.net. Here are a few of the previous cards to give you some ideas: DC-15S Jango's westars Jawa ion blaster Thanks
  4. Good job Mike, I hope to be not too far behind you :-)
  5. No problem, I'm working on the Lancer stuff to so I'll be looking for similar help soon enough (I hope)
  6. Mike, they look just like mine. The bad news is that they will not fit as soon sa you get them. The good news is that all you need to do is take a heat gun to you bicep pieces until they soften up a bit then squash the t-bits in. You get a really nice fit and they look great. Just make sure you don't heat the biceps too much, I nearly destroyed one of mine! Cheers
  7. They definitely aren't, I had to heat up my bicep parts until they became soft then forced the vader t-bits into them.
  8. Mike, I might be wrong but I think that one of the Lancer requirements is the correct t-bits. Since I also have SC armour I know that the ones supplied with it are not acccurate. However, I have found a guy who makes them and they are not expensive. Let me know if you want me to dig out his email address for you. He often sells them on the UK vesion of that well known auction site, just serach for biker scout parts and you will usually find them. Cheers
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