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About Banzai88

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    So Cal

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    Imperial Sands Garrison
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  1. The first color example looks best. It provides a good lighter base color to contrast with the rest.
  2. @ChrisThePropGuy The hanging boxes seem a bit taller and they taper towards the bottom [and front to back IMO]. The flap closure also tapers in further than the sides It looks like the front top boxes taper on the inside edge and the lower taper both edges. Not sure about the others--looking for reference. . Are you going to work the helmet striation line in? It'd be a nice touch; I'm not aware anyone else has added this detail.
  3. More Battlefront2 reference. I also included a lightened version for detail clarity.
  4. There are some interesting differences between the Battlefront2 and Episode III knee armor:
  5. Sorry for resurrecting this. Just curious; was there no mention of the helmet symbol on the bottom left visor shroud? Also the vent stripes below the green visor--which look to me diagonal and not vertical.
  6. Glad you found them. I did too. Will get a 41st Elite Scout done one of these days...
  7. Anyone had any luck finding these online?
  8. I offer the accurate visor symbol as a black decal or a low-tack stencil for painting. PM if you need one. I have a PGHFETT helmet so I can take some measurements and will create the decal under the eyes, the trapezoids and the vents on back and offer a kit soon.
  9. This will be great to have more 41st Scouts in SCG. Will be watching this one Kev!
  10. The sole details are closer copy of the Prada boot rather than KC; this all-black pair has the RED heel stripe. With the exception of all-black version, they have front seam color accents which will need to be colored. The Black/Blue has a BLUE heel stripe. White will for work for Galactic Marine or 41 Elite Scout with painted sole. Search for Buffalino SENTINEL boots. Good Luck!
  11. Any updates Giovanni? Also, if you are going for a Jango boot you will want that blue heel stripe. But the GM and 41st Elite Scout boots don't share this detail.
  12. Looks like the left-inside greeb is white if the straps are gray?
  13. Debbi: Very cool realization of a CGI model. Looking forward to see what we can do with my commission for you!
  14. Well you have the knuckle pad, the hand-top pad and the cuff ring. I was referring to the cuff ring. The ref I've seen has it higher up the glove. The distance is about the height of the hand pad.
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