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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by TK6918

  1. Hey Tom, those are the best gloves to get apart from getting the originals. That would be one of the very few times where getting something on eBay is okay.
  2. The scout trooper armor is probably one of the easiest 501st costumes to put together (minus making the soft goods). There's plenty of resources on this board to cover what may be unclear in the instructions.
  3. That is a Don Post??? you must have made some extensive mods. It looks good to my untrained eye
  4. In this hobby, its best to have something you can drop. Kids will try to steal from you, and accidents happen. A large resin blaster is just begging to be dropped. The time put into making one or repairing it can eventually outweight the price of getting a decent wood one ($100 or more) or a rubber one which are no longer made. I just sold my hyperfirm for $500.
  5. wow, you dont see a pair like the first in that size everyday. I'm sure someone will be very happy to get their hands on it. I would if it was a smaller size.
  6. I think wood would be the best thing to use for a scratchbuild.
  7. Thanks for the honest answer. As an ex ARC trooper clone, I know all about the pains of that. Now I got to decide if I want accuracy or something that will require less maintenance. I don't have the tools or resources like I used to. I will keep monitoring this in the meantime. Thank you for offering this up to the community!
  8. So this requires to join a few halves, and use a seam filler, then repaint over the white plastic?
  9. I have a hyperfirm one for sale if you're interested. $500 plus shipping.
  10. Please excuse my lack of knowledge in the scout trooper helmets, but would this new helmet be more accurate than the MLC v3?
  11. Have you gotten in touch with your local garrison? I'm sure there's of talented folks there who can help you out even without a CRL.
  12. I think the good thing is you at least did some research and ask before sending money away. I see a lot of people on the main 501st boards rushing to send Atin payments because hell pop in every now and then and do limited runs, then usually a while after you'll see those same people selling the armor kit because they'll change their mind once they see the kit in person.
  13. This may not apply to the biker scout armor, but I seen and built a set of atin clone armor, and it was the worse thing to try to put together and make it look accurate. As a clone, parts need to match up and be made seamless, and the quality of his pulls is just horrible. What you pay is what you get. You may end up spending more money in the long run by either fixing, replacing parts, or spending way too much time getting it done.
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