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Dart last won the day on September 14

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About Dart

  • Birthday 03/17/1978


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    The Great White North

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    Canadian Garrison
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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Just wash in cold water in the casual or gentle cycle. Never had an issue. Also, if you ever DO need to re-wear the suit the same day or within a turnaround shorter than a wash/dry cycle, get some alcohol in a spray bottle (or cheap vodka), turn the smelly bits inside out, spray the areas down liberally and let hang dry. It won't clean it but the alcohol will kill the bacteria so it won't be smelly.
  2. You could stretch a small cobweb across part of your visor with a little spider in it, stick some moss or other stuff on ya, stay away from skulls and stuff like that.
  3. I think you're really close. Check out the Scoutopedia, select Boots and Holster from the dropdown menu and double-check your work. http://www.501stpathfinders.com/scoutopedia.php
  4. You're not the first person to come here with that experience, Bryan. The big difference is that multiple original TK's have been out and about with collectors and the information has been available. Not so much with the scout as only 2 helmets are in private collections (1 of which is up for auction soon), and maybe 1 or 2 sets of armour, including whatever bits Ira Keeler's estate may still have. So we have never really been able to see what the originals were like. RS props is the closest we have and even then, my understanding is that they were loaned the armour pieces so they don't even have them for reference (unless I'm mistaken). Best guide is the photos we have in the Scoutopedia, other builds, and Mickey's video. Do your best and post photos up, like you have been if there are any issues.
  5. If I may suggest, make sure you try to exhale through your nose. Seems silly to say, but that'll help keep your lens from fogging and also from you getting too warm. Also, when you get warm, no shame in going inside to cool off or wherever your changing area is. Bring water and drink it. Have fun!
  6. Congrats on the build and approval! Also bumped ya up to Pathfinder status. Have fun trooping!
  7. Please blame it on us, we can handle it. Ha!
  8. Those pouches are tan. At dirtiest, they should be off-white, even if tea-stained. Darker than white, not a different colour.
  9. What ^he^ said. Also, polished cotton as it existed in the 1980's, is not really available anymore, so the above mentioned alternatives are the best option. I've also used the dull side of heavy satin fabric (has some sheen but isn't really shiny).
  10. Annnnd done. Just thought I'd take care of it. Happy Scouting, Ron! Enjoy all the benefits of your new costume, which include sitting down.
  11. Lots of great info above, so I've got nothing to add except: have fun with your build!
  12. Hi there! Welcome to the Pathfinders! I'd suggest you do some reading and ask any questions before laying down cash on any costume piece. One thing you should understand is that this is not a cheap hobby, even at the low end. Don't feel you have to get everything at once - you can just buy bits here and there (gloves, boots, soft parts, armour). One reference you can use is our ROTJ Biker Scout HQ thread: https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/forum/91-rotj-biker-scout-hq/ - lots of great info and topics there. More to your question, your best bet is a kit from Studio Creations. It's reasonably priced and looks good. But there are many others, depending on your size and budget. For example, If you're a smaller person, you might consider a kit from MonCal or if you're bigger, you might want to look at a kit from Pilot Bay. We're here for ya!
  13. If Chef doesn't come through, let me know. I think I have a spare shade 3 black visor I can send your way.
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