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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by azerin

  1. Hiya Mike, Glad to hear you are excited! and that your armor will be available for more people I am really excited about working on it... and I can't wait to see the pieces you are finishing work on
  2. Mine just came! I haven't taken it all out of the box yet but what I have (the greeblies box and the bicept armor) is awesome! Can't wait to get home and take it all out! =D Thank you so much Mike!
  3. Looking good Mike! I think the ink wash really helped the seperation between the two parts of the pad
  4. Yeah... they are very close together if they are seperate... and I would guess that weathering would make the seam more seam like (I know that doesn't sound right but not sure how else to say it )
  5. Looks great Mike! Do you know what brand those gloves are? looks like a great base. My only comment would be that in some of the shots it looks to me like the rubber/padding on the hand are two seperate pieces versus one... but most of the screen caps have blurry hands so hard to tell :\
  6. Awesome! Can't wait to get it It will be pretty good timing with the progress on my helmet Thank you again, Jon
  7. Awesome Mike! Can't wait to get it but completely understand the holidays delaying things so no worries and no rush Also... no worries on the visor material... I really appreciate you finding it and sending it
  8. Mike is definitely playing Santa for me Can't wait to get it and start work on putting it all together! Thank you again Mike you definitely deserve a nice break
  9. Can't follow the link anymore but I can guess what I would find there based on the rest of the post... that is horrible It is sickening that other people would try to make a profit off your work that you provided to them very cheaply as a favor for a fellow fan. I want to echo Phil about hoping you decide to stay around in some form... you would be a huge loss
  10. Looks great Mike! Can't wait to see it all together once you have the last few pieces done!
  11. Wow! Looks like things are going along great =D The armor looks awesome and the rubber greeblies are a very nice addition!
  12. Did a quick search... Is this the style of them? http://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/ishop/877/shopscr1010.html Trying to imagine them died and could see them being close if that is the current camo pattern you are talking about... if so... that is great! Will look forward to seeing your died version... might have to buy some british military surplus!
  13. Please add me to the interest list
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