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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by journeymanprotector

  1. Hey Tom, looking very good I've especially got my eye on that toe and shin armor, I've got a Galactic Marine that I'm in the process of upgrading Phil
  2. I didn't see any stipulations for mods to the Rubies/DP helmets, did I miss them or have they been relaxed? Phil
  3. aside from the forearm comment above, the only other suggestion I have is to stuff the pouches a little more at the top. They seem to be empty at the top and slant outward as you near the bottom. I think the pouches should be equally full at the top and bottom, forming a squared off shape. I used pieces of foam cut from a mattress topper. Otherwise looking great Phil
  4. We disregard the 'barc' as an error and go with Kashyyyk Trooper. Just like we disregard 'death squad commando' from the original line and go with death star trooper or fleet trooper. And that's just my suggestion based on logic and precedent. Personally I think some kind of 'light infantry' is most applicable. Again, this is all academic for me though, I don't plan on making one or anything. Phil
  5. This makes complete sense. Up to this point, our names are firstly derived from the toy lines and media OTHER than the films. Scout Trooper, Biker Scout, Snowtrooper, Royal Guard, Death Star Trooper, Fleet Trooper, even TIE pilots because TIEs weren't referenced until ROTJ. Only the stormtroopers are identified by name in the original trilogy. Based on precedent I think "Kashyyyk Trooper" is the likeliest name so far. Phil
  6. I think 'light infantry' kind of hits it the mark. Phil
  7. those are sweet, LOVE the sky trooper... Yeah, I know that the 'pedia' sites are completely unreliable. The first thing we learned in our College Writing class was, "Don't ever quote wikipedia as a source. Ever." lol What have you heard from the guys you ran into at SWWs? Any suggested names? Phil
  8. p.s. I'm also seeing 'swamp trooper' kicked around here and there. After thinking about it I would say, if it can be agreed upon, that 'Swamp Trooper' seems to best fit into the current nomenclature (there's a word I didn't think I would need after biology in 10th grade!) We don't refer to most costumes by their Legion number, their equipment, or the planet that we saw them on. Most of our names focus on the costume's special attributes or environmental design. Basically what sets it apart. In the case of the Kashyyyk troopers it's clear that they are designed to be stealthy (camo), mobile (less armor), and based on the camo, suited to a jungle, swamp, or forest theater. I personally like something like Swamp Trooper or Jungle Trooper. BUT... I don't plan on making one of these costumes and have no interest in them, so I think the guys/gals who DO will have the greatest weight in deciding on a name Phil
  9. If it helps, here's all the reference I can find: Wookiepedia: "clone scout troopers" http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_scout_trooper Starwars.com: "Gree led the Elite Corps on Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars, commanding troops that employed specialized equipment for combat in the jungle environment. http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/gree/ Wikipedia "Battle of Kashyyyk": "Commander Gree's 41st elite" (little ambiguous, doesn't actually specify the actual costume we're talking about, just the group he commands) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kashyyyk Wikipedia's entry for "Imperial Stormtrooper" mentions that the Biker Scouts evolved from the BARC, which we know is not correct. Because of the non-canon aspect of the 'pedia' entries, I'd say SW.com is the most reliable of these sources. If '41st' or '41st Elite' is canon also or confirmed in a source book, I'd say that would probably be our best bet. Phil
  10. personally, my philosophy is throw the first costume together as quick as you can, then sell it to some schmuck on eBay for enough money to do the costume right lol But, time willing, I'll be doing it right the first time with MC armor and an MLC helmet. I may rush the suit for SDCC, but will definitely address any problems afterward. Phil
  11. Good luck I'm looking forward to *hopefully* a hurried, frenzied couple of weeks of putting my own suit together before SDCC. Phil
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