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Everything posted by LadySewForUs

  1. Heya I am taking orders now. Will send a PM now. Thanks!
  2. Yes, I will send an email to you as well. I am planning to make all of my KS cummerbunds that are ordered, as a run. All in the same time period. I will let you know when I am starting and when yours and all of them are ready to ship. Thanks Joseph, and thanks to everyone! Debbi
  3. I have received your payment. I have also sent an email to you with measurement info. Thanks! Debbi
  4. This is just as I do this as well. In words, it sounds a little intimidating, but, it can be done. *thumbsup* :-D
  5. Very creative. One could get an old jacket at a thrift shop or yard sale and do this. Before attaching it, it may be a good idea to try out a small sample in the wash. It would be good to be sure it will hold the color before attaching to the flightsuit. At the very least, you will know if you will be able to wash it, or if you will need to dry clean it. Debbi
  6. Question Are you referring to KS or the Standard Biker Scout?
  7. I just sent a PM now Angelo, Thanks!
  8. Hi SolderMaster! Per Tom, Mr Bungle, these are ok to be approved for KS Trooper. I am offering these. Please send a PM if interested. I need to get off the computer now, but I will try to PM to you tomorrow. Thanks! Debbi
  9. So.. Tom... would you say it is "approvable" ??
  10. Hi Darren, If you are happy with it, I can make one just like it for you. Just send a PM and we can go from there. Thanks Debbi
  11. Yes, I saw your comment about the suspenders. They are attached with velcro in the front and back. This makes them adjustable. You should be able to attached them as needed, under the armor. And also, they do not have to be used, if not needed. This will be shipped out to you soon. Your feedback will be welcome! Thanks Tom for all of your help with this! Debbi
  12. Thanks Jimah!! Yes, I can ship to Australia for the cost of postage, USPS priority mail. Please let me know if you are interested, just shoot me a PM.
  13. The "suspenders" are adjustable with velcro, in the front and also the back. Back View...
  14. Uploading pics of the cummerbund modeled by my mannequin! They will be posted soon!
  15. Thanks for the input!! Well, yes, I can see what you are saying, using the pic that you referenced. But I also have tried to keep the straps and spaces in between, in proportion, so they go around the cummerbund as it is seen in the ref pics. I think you would need to see this in person, or with a better pic. I also think that when it has the pouches and armor surrounding it, that it will look better. As far as color, I think the biggest problem is the coloring of the picture, not the actual straps. One of the problems with "matching" the ref pics, is that those pics are digital. There was never an actual costume that someone wore. It is much more difficult to get the "screen accuracy" when working with this type of media. I will get this one together and get it over to Tom. I am very curious for his hands on opinion.
  16. Yes, they are sewn done at the chalk line.
  17. More pics.... It is getting there......... Keep in mind that the yellow is merely chalk powder and will come off easily. And also keep in mind the colors look wrong due to the flash and/or lack thereof. I will be sending this to Tom for feedback and he will be able to attest to the accuracy of the colors. IMHO the color are really close. Thanks for looking!
  18. Thanks Darren! $100 shipped in the U.S.
  19. The colors are really bad. But, I will take better pics tomorrow.
  20. One more and I am done for the night......... The colors look off with this pic.
  21. UPDATE *** 4/20/12 - ************ New Pictures!****** If you would like to order one.... Please EMAIL me at debbi@ladysewforus.com Thanks for looking! Debbi
  22. I use batting all the way around. For attachment, I will defer to the others who may have tried both ways, and could provide a better answer. Debbi
  23. Thanks Witness! I will keep this in mind.
  24. Very cool, I did make one set, for practice, at 85%. They looked a little small to me. But, with your calculations, that confirms my guesstimate. I think I will try 85% and see how that goes. Thanks!
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