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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by 303trooper

  1. You mentioned humbrol #040 too. So as long as it all matches then it should be ok? Guess it's a trial and error situation dependent on the grey matching up to your snout plate but taking into consideration the decal shade...
  2. I've heard of #5 too but will check out the 040 to see... I guess it's trial and error to see what looks best once you paint it on with your decals on too....
  3. Found a thread where humbrol #5 is used as a grey over here. Some also mentioned grey primer.. Hope this helps?
  4. Here ya go dude for decals..... http://trooperbay.com/category/decals/
  5. Coolio dude!!!!! I've been told that it needs a slight sanding too if you get the unpainted one. I guess thats to provide a good key for the paint. Ive been recommended by the guys in the UKG and our own 4505 Marcel swears by it too. You'll probably need some elastic for the chin strap too and poppers?? I believe that I got my decals from someone on here when I was making my rubies lid and had a spare set too. All good for my lid when it shows... I also was given some shade 5 welding lens material to cut out for my lid from one of the guys in the ukg. I'm sure that someone will pipe up to assist in helping you obtain some decals, or check through the subforums for helmet as there may be something there. Let me know what you decide to do... MLC was very good when I dealt with him this week....
  6. Luke, you say you have 2 months to get a lid sorted.. I've just ordered mine from mlc and it'll be with me in 2-3 weeks. I'll have work to do on it but is gonna be tight with me wanting to clear and troop my tb for august events. Just glad I have my Tk for the mo.... You should have enough time bud. Speak to bluecyclone for advise... And remember patience dude...'don't rush it or suffer the same fate as I. No helmet in pieces!!!!!
  7. Thanks for that mate.... Been pretty ill of late hence the poor show on the boards. In fact really ill... Hope to spend more time chating in the future. Luis, good luck but heed the words from the wise here and make sure you know what you're getting yourself involved with before parting with hyour hard earned credits... All the best.
  8. Thsnks for clearing that up for us Witness... The way it was all warped had me thinking its vinyl... As for that mateeria inside, that threw me off too... Is something being hidden under it all????
  9. Sorry, forgot your OP.. You have a jedi costume too... Better get out of that one quick then... As a Jedi you should understand the meaning of patience....
  10. Thats cool buddy, not to worry. I spent alot of time when I bought my first rubies lid getting it unwarped, priming it. Then dropping it form a great height by accident. Refixing the faceplate together. Getting it finished then not being happy with the overall result as it still looked twisted. I pulled it apart to start again then ended up smashing it up as it was so frustrating.... I am ordering a helmet right now ( once I get the reply form the vendor) and I would like to get up and running straight away too... But these things take time and rushing into a job only makes it half a job. Just enjoy your build and get what you can done when you can.... Do you have another suit to wear in the mean time or are you just going for TB full stop???
  11. Its up to you at the end of the day Luis.. All I know Ican tell you is what I see form the pics provided. The top of the faceplate on the left looks distorted and it also looks like its a vinyl helmet. I think if you get this you may just regret it but I cannot stop you form making your decisions. All the best with it.
  12. Fotr lancer staus the bolts need to be the 3M ones or similar I believe... I will have to chew the brains out of my greater knowledged scouts for that I'm afraid. I believe that its in the Lancer requirements page on here bud.. Happy hunting as they are quite hard to get hold of.
  13. I wouldn't even go there with that lid at all buddy.. Its a rubiess and looks kinda warped in itself and even though costuming is fun, if you are on a tight schedule then you'll wanna have it come to you as ready as as possible.. There are much better lids out there. Heed the words of the knowledge here and you'll go far.. And good luck with the build.
  14. Congratulations Amanda... Gotta join you and Marcel soon.... Its been toooooo long
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