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Suede Butt's!


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Hi Scouts


Could I ask a favour please & get some pic's of your suede butt?


Yeah, I know.....


I only want to do the undersuit once & I know it's not required for regular scout approval

but as I have the material to hand I figured I may as well.


Just having a hard time finding the right kind of suede covered Butt pic's if you get my drift .... :blink:


Many Thanks

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Thanks Dave, that's exactly what I was after.


So you did attach yours at the bottom too?

I was wondering as otherwise it'd be all over the place with the Bund strap right?



No, like this (from the CLICK ME above):


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also, if you were to stitch it down at the bottom, once you sit down, bend over, kneel etc. the stitch is going to snap - or potentially rip your undersuit. their isn't going to be enough "give" to accomodate the movement of the fabric.


if you wanted to be creative (and ensure no wind flapping) you could sew small magnets in the corners of the flap and in the undersuit. this will keep it flat when standing, and allow for movement when you sit or bend (the magnets will simply stick together again)...without damaging the suit. theater folks will sometimes do this to keep things neat and tidy without losing the ability to do quickchanges (or to avoid the ripping sound of velcro).

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Honestly, it shouldn't be a problem. I've never had a problem with mine flapping or anything. Every now and then you have to reach back to make sure it's not bunched up, but nothing major.

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I have spent most of today sewing & have reached an understanding with the Overlocker & Sewing Machine, to say I am proficient would be a bare faced lie.

I think it just gave up due to my persistence & let me finish it in the end.


This is the end result of my alterations to my Dickies Boiler Suit (a little under £15) & some Suede + Elastic from Fleabay.

The plan was/is to get my outfit together as frugally as possible so I can both stay married + enjoy my hobby whistling.gif

I appreciate I could have skipped the suede/elastic being 'Lancer spec', but figured I only want to sew once, so may as well do it now.










The Suede patching looks odd as I appear to have bizarre measurements, my wife kindly calls me Mr Tumble dohfacepalm.gif it looks okay actually on.


Just Boot's & Pistol to go now, can't wait...

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