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TB5779 Requesting Lancer (APPROVED)

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Here are the pics. I hope it is up to snuff....this is something that I have been wanting to achieve for 5 years. So here it goes:


Armor: SC

Helmet: MLC

T-Bits/Tank Topper: SC

Thermal Det Greeblies: DonJar

Boots: Me


Gloves: Sitharmor

Vest/Cummerbund/Pouches: Ladysewsforus

Flightsuit: modified coveralls.



Full body Shots:










Torso Detail Shots: ( biceps rotated turning the full body pics so I took some more)














Crotch detail and Ribbing:




Thermal Det:












Belt: (SC belt that I made 1 solid piece)



















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Hey bud this is a very nice build just a few tweaks needed, first off your going to need to fix your collar. It looks like a regular shirt type collar folded down, you need a race suit type collar that stands up. This can be trimmed and re sewn job done, few minutes work!

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I would suggest adding a black tab or vlecro just to keep the collar up and closed, but yup top job. My only other gripe would be the line on your boor soles, they are supposed to be one color, any way of weathering it out or some have been successfull painting the boot soles.


Other bits you can do which wont affect clearance so its upto you is to dull down your blaster and snout as they are far too glossy, also the pouch flaps shouldnt have any external visable stitches around the egdes, they are supposed to be internal.

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You need to remove that line on the sole or dull them down as they should be one colour soles, have a look in the reference section and try to match the sole colour as best you can to the correct Sierra boot.

I used velcro on my collar covering the opening (collar to collar, not collar to flight suit) just to keep it all nice and tight to the neck, you may find as it is now the front will hang forward

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Again not really a clearance issue but one of the armourers just brought it up, the bottom edge corners of your shoulder bells could be rounded off to get a more screen used look. I just drew around a coin and dremelled mine down again a 5 minute job if you want to do it bro. Nice little tweak.

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Hay all done well... bud still concerned on some parts being to shiney as i seid to Marcel on the phone like the blaster , snout and T.D. greebs i would if poss like them to be matt black( and matt gray for the snout)

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I resprayed the greeblies and the blaster. What part of the snout needs repainted? If it is the whole snout area than I will have to repaint the whole helmet. If it is supposed to be a matte finish than I wish the Lancer requirements had stated such. Perhaps that should be amended. Sorry...not trying to be rude.

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Sorry if that last post came across the wrong way. Got some bad personal news today...did not mean to take it out on you guys. Sorry. Okay so I attempted to wet sand the gloss off the snout. Let me know if this is any better. Also here are pics of the greeblies. I am still waiting on the blaster to dry. Thanks for pushing me to have the best scout I can. It is worth the work.







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No did not come over in any bad way buddie, (and very sorry to hear of your bad news hope it's not to bad :() What you have done is spot on to what i what as the lancer writer (and the most accuacy anal head of the group LOL) i'am now happy with this cosy it has my thumbs up "Top work sir"



Oh new there one one more thing SORRY lol when you get a chance you will need to re-thread your chin cup so it's the other way so the black square is at the bottom and for me your done

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Thanks...means a lot! Excited to be so close to getting Lancer. It has been 4 years in the making. Tried a while back and glad to be headed to the finish. Just let me know if there is anything else I need.

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