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KS trimming for the smaller folks

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From what I have read KS armor is a little better suited than SC for smaller people. I plan to get a set of KS for my wife. I have followed a few threads about how to down size the armor. My question is, is there any reason to get the trimmed out armor since I will be trimming about every piece smaller anyway?


I should say my wife is 5'7" and 115 lbs. Also I have some experience working with plastic and a heatgun, but I have never tackled something like rough cut armor before.


Does this sound like the right approach or is there armor closer to her size that I have missed?




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I have KS armor and I'm 6"2, 160lbs. It seems very well suited for a taller and thinner scout, but not really for a "larger" scout. The KS chest armor may be a little smaller than the SC armor and that may be why it was recommended. Good point too...if you are going to trim it to suit your wife, not much need to get a pre-trimmed kit. I do love my KS setup but still plan to go SC very soon - better product. You might also send a PM to MJ who has a lot of experience trimming and setting up her smaller build. She is awesome. ;)

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