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Found part snout greeblie woot!

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A few months ago i was able to aquire the found part from the tamiya model for the bikerscout snout. Very very stoked about that! But, i havent had time to do anything with it until now. Hoping to build the snout piece and get it in rubber within a couple of weeks. Just want the bikers to have another vendor for this part. If anyone is interested just post here. No payments upfront, i will cast some and then if anyone needs one they can send payment and ill get it out the following day.


Heres a pic of the piece in my hand :)






Once i have the part made, of course ill post a pic. Any interest now is NOT a commitment, just want to gauge interest so i know round about how many i should cast. thanks guys!

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Thanks guys! the only thing im trying to get sorted is the mesh for the aerator. once i have that ill be doing the mold for the stand alone piece, and then ill do one with the backplate. Im thinking i should do it to fit the LW helmet. Pretty sure that will fit on any of the others as well

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Did you find the mesh for this? I might be able to help you there......


I found Mesh, but i dont really like it. If you have somethin, id be interested for sure :)


did you ever build the snout?


Not yet. I have it mostly set up on a backboard to mold, just need to get a good mesh, and buy mold rubber :)

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It's the same as the mesh used in TK mic tips from what I can see.

Send me your address and ill get some in the post for you.

My email addy if its easier is medwards5@mac.com


You are the best bro! PM incoming!

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The screen used snouts were solid cast. But i will probably do both.


The mic tip isnt the same as any of the TK ones, but what i have looks to be correct. Not sure of the make/model, i have to look at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I curious about that myself sskunky...HAS anyone discovered the correct , what i believe is a faucet aerator? Looking at the one i have now...it isnt as close as i thought it was. Iv e found a few online that seem much better, but just curious if it was ever truly "discovered"

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I wonder if anyone has really really looked...or if they may be the same as some modern ones and nothing really "special"


Nope havent gotten it yet, but im thinkin this week it should arrive.

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Having issues with making the mold for this. The rubber isnt settling down in between the fins all the way and causing bubbles. I did 2 molds and both did this. So i ordered some thinner for the rubber, so hopefully that will resolve the problem. Stand by troops!

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Ok got the thinner in and tried again. It really tried to make sure that rubber was in between those fins...and i think the thinner helped. We'll see when the mold is ready! Probably wont know till Friday as im going to the in-laws tonight for the holiday, and staying there until Friday morning. I'll keep everyone posted...but i got a good feeling about this one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very interested in these parts! How do I get them?? I have a KS helmet on the way and have since learned it's going to need some modifications. This being one of them.


Any information would be awesome!!! Thanks guys. -Paul

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