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Replacing Kropserkel snout with MLC

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Hi Mathew, it is a very easy modification, check the existing nose detail does not have a screw holding it on , screwed from the rear of the faceplate. If it doesn't then I suspect it is glued on, a flat screwdriver or a dinner knife slid under the piece will pop it off.


I would then measure and fit a thin piece of plastic, 1-2mm[because the recess is very shallow] to act as the nose backplate if the MC one does not have it as part of the detail.

Iwould then mask off the nose section[after taking a sanding block and squaring the front of the faceplate nose section] and spray the inside matt/satin black. Then stick your painted nose detail into the nose recess.


easier done than said!

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With my KS, there was a grey decal under the greeblie. I had to pry the greeblie off and then remove the decal. Once that was complete, I followed similar steps to LW above. Just take your time and have fun! :)

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Yes the nose detail back plate is exactly that, you can buy [MC]a complete resin nose detail with the backplate as part of it.This will fit a KS perfectly.








You can see how the black section needs to be painted prior to fitting the nose section.

The only "problem" with this accurate method on a KS is the shallow recess for the nose detail, maybe sanding the new noseplate flat will balance this out. I added a Backplate to my KS nose and it really improved the look.

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