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Cummerbund vertical stitching


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I think we can change the basic CRL and the Lancer requirements regarding the number of stitch lines on the front of the Biker Scout cummerbund.


The requirements presently are seven stitch lines resulting in six raised areas, I think this should be six stitch lines resulting in five raised areas.


There are a few other requirements that may need to be updated as well but we could start with this one.

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Yes Mike, there are a few images already on the forum clearly showing the stitch lines,




This post has been up for a while, thanks to Jeff for posting the large Blu Ray images, I can't find any pics to prove the present CRL is correct.


I am always looking to see if we have things "right". :)

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Also it could be Lancer requirements that the pouches start at this point, another equal space either side beyond the last stitch line, larger guys could adjust the spacing to suit their belly rather than add more rows.

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My thing is, how do we know that the bund and pouches weren't remade just for this, and made wrong? Guess we really need to find a nice clear still from the movie to really prove this.

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There is no way this is an extra new cummerbund made wrongly for the archives, , It is an original piece, just like the helmet and armour.


Now we have the evidence to prove the stitch lines. I will check out the Blu ray for more proof that the requirements are wrong but this is pretty clear proof IMO.

Maybe Gentle Giant have clearer screen grabs or some LFL photographs to work from because they too have only five raised sections on their excellent Biker Scout sculpt.


I have heard this line taken a lot in the short time I have been here, the MOM exhibit being our last checkpoint,but the screen caps have proved it all to be accurate, still looking for a red square! but that is the only part not seen.


I know I will be making and sewing my new cummerbund like this original piece.

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I wouldnt use this picture to change the CRL, there is no hard proof of anything from that, even this has inaccuracies like the TD. Now blue ray screen grabs would be the definate conclusion for me, and worthy of a CRL change. It would be nice to get a grab from a few troopers so we can rule out more stitches for larger scouts ect

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Agreed they both seem to have 5 BUT I would need to see a screen grab as that is what we are after a screen accurate scout not promo or one that has been put together on a manequin. If you can get blue ray stills that would be awesome, unfortunatley I dont have star wars on blue ray and probably not likely to buy it any time soon so cant do it myself

Obviously I make so many of these it would be beneficial to me to know the truth

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The TD is a different subject and has not been proven to be wrong. Yes the holster is a weird one , I have few ideas why this was made like this, maybe a late fix to match the models that were already made. I will check to see if I can find the dates of which was made first , the models or the actual suits.

Back on subject, cummerbund stitch lines.

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Ok, after going through every scout scene on the blu-ray, the most I could count was 5 ribs. This from a 40" 120 htz 1080p flat screen. I couldn't even come close to finding definite proof of 7 stitches showing 6 ribs. I could make out 5 on some stills, but the quality just isn't there still to make out more then that. My question would be where the 7 vertical stitches came from in the first place.

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I have seen the blue-ray, and I've had 5 ribs, but the best image I have to show here is this.



Thanks Leonardo, yes this is the pic I tried to post initially, I am fairly certain this is an original cummerbund as seen in Return of the Jedi. I can see clearly just how the pouches and rows of stitching look and easily see this on the screencaps, even just by the distancing of the pouches.

I intend to use this reference for my new cummerbund build, the cummerbund material is also the same as the MOM exhibit, almost a very fine sheen to the surface, possibly polyester/rayon, but thiat will be for another discussion.

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I'll have a look in to this one, All the promo material dose show only 5 raised areas presant, i will have a look and try for a few screen grabs of my Blu-ray and get this one sewn up.

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Gentlemen we all missed this ...... I take it most of us have one of these at home ....just count the panels


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That is great Andy, as other guys have said , where did the seven come from and why do we not need any evidence for that?


The Biker Scouts in Return of the Jedi were all of a similar build, I doubt that they were stitched differently to fit the extras/stuntmen better.


The Biker Scout costume was pretty well put together, unlike the earlier Stormtroopers in ANH, it seems the costume department had a lot of money to spend this time on making the suits great. Variations are there, balaclava,neck seal, TD, no TD, TD with greeblies, TD without greeblies, TD with one greeblie etc but generally speaking they were great.


I can't rule out yet that there were no cummerbunds with more or less stitch lines but this is our best evidence yet.

Anybody fancy breaking into the LFL archives? :ph34r::lol:

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Guest Penn Chemist

Geat exposure, I mean wow. What has taken so long to get this cleared up in the long run as it were... I've had my blu-rays for quite some time now, grant it I never looked at these niffty reference photos! Wow! What is the origin of the seven stiches then? Why the confusion? Just early screen caps from the originals where resolution may have distorted the cumberbund and seven stitches was the best approximation... until now that is?

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Umm......lonedwolf ...woops sorry ..thought I was really smart, one must read more into detail..

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Well, with any costume, it's someone is always finding something, or challenging something. Makes us all think, and re-think everything.. Like I said, def something we'll prolly be discussing soon I'm sure. Andi, I pretty much went through frame by frame of all the scout scenes..it's a pain in the butt, but it is what it is. Heh, actually saw scouts with no pin striping or td greeblies lol. And I did see a scout that looked to be a little heftier then the others.

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The 7 stitch lines came from a lengthy discussion many moons ago on here, and was backed up by a picture and was agreed upon by members and staff, cant for the life of me find it now though which is really frustrating. Now im all up for changing the CRLs if hard evidence is found, if not it will stay as it was decided, its upto you all if you want different numbers, but the CRL states what it states as does the lancer CRL anything else will fail an application in my eyes, as we need to be uniform.

But as I said I will change the CRL with hard concrete evidence only, as we did with the TD grreeblie. But we have to change when new things pop up for accurays sake, but not for opinions

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Dont want to start a fire, but could we see some hard evidence that there where 7 stripes?

I think there is quite enough proof that there is 6, but no evidence about the 7.

If the only proof there is for the 7 stripes, is a discussion held long time ago, and far far away, I would say its time for a new one.


I'm still doing 6 stripes on my build, unless someone can give me clear evidence of the 7. If this means my scout wont be approved for another 6 month or longer, because the CRL dont change, so be it.


No pun intended guys, just my 2 cents ;)

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Yes I have to agree with you Morten, we all want to be correct but following a costume mistake to be Lancer is very foolish in my opinion. If I can see a clear screen grab of the seven, six or whatever number of stitch lines I will gladly do this.

This number of stitch lines is not an opinion, it is photographic fact. Unless you want to follow the present CRL which has no photographic evidence at all, which is an opinion.

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