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The TK going TB

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You are doing great job mate, once you start trooping in the Biker Scout costume the TK will stay on the mannequin!


I started out trooping as Biker Scout , then later Stormtrooper, that slowed me down a bit!

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You are doing great job mate, once you start trooping in the Biker Scout costume the TK will stay on the mannequin!


I started out trooping as Biker Scout , then later Stormtrooper, that slowed me down a bit!


I did the TK to TB thing back in 2002. :D

Scouts are much more MOBILE!!! \m/

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Hehe I know you mean this well guys, but I will never retire my TK ;)

Its uncomfortable. Unhandy. Takes a long time to put on. BUT! its THE most awesome trooper in the galaxy ;)


An whe its a TM suit, I would never dream of letting it stay home on a big doll ;)

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I believe I'm done with the belt now(exept for TD greebs).

I installed a bit of elastic between the belt webbing and the buckle, to give it a bit of flexibility. Think I might do the same with the chest/back webbing.







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Well the time have finally come. I always knew it would but I dont think I wanted to realize it... Time to paint the helmet!!!


Really need to do this right. A bad paint job can just ruin everything!!


I made a test on the chin cup first to try the paint.




The colour is good and matches the armour parts so thats good :)


Time to setup the paint station.

I live in a small apartement and dont have a balcony, so I have to be creative with this.




And after first coat




I put the helmet on two pieces of cardboard so I could turn them around and do both sides at the same time without touching the helmet.




Will be giving it another layer in an hours time or so.

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Hehe thank :P


After a second and third coat the helmet looks real shiny, left in the sun to dry completely :)






Also added the shoulders to the t-strap-thing





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So the helmet is evenly white and glossy now, but it dont have that smooth surface that I want so I will give it an extra layer to see if I can get that.

The instructions on the can say that extra layers should be added within 4 hours of the first or after 36 hours from the last. Otherwise the paint could wrinkle. Dont want that, so will wait until tomorrow.


I have also been trying to search for some vinyl for the boots, but dang thats hard to find! All I get is vinyl for use as photo backdrops or floors.

Does anyone know a good place in EU where I can order some Marine grade vinyl?


Well here is the helmet.




And an overview of whats done so far.




Correct greebs on the TD. Seems a bit crammed though.




Bicep and forearms. Will be putting in some velcro that will keep it from sliding around, once I get my undersuit done.




Installed the extra elastic on the knees as well. Will have to do something about those rivets poking out on the inside.




Elastic on the bukles




And I dont trust velcro alone, so added a snap as well. Still need the elsatic that goes around the arm. Will putt in snaps for this as well.



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Hi Arnie,


great thread, since I'm doing the exact same thing in a couple of weeks with the MC armor and MLC helmet! I even have the same paint as you just standing around and waiting to be used, so it's nice to see that it works :D


There was another swede, Hummern4, who made his own boots, he picked up his vinyl here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290610014998&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123


He has since paused his TB-build, but you can check out his build thread over at the NG forums. He ordered his flight suit from a company in the UK, and I ordered mine from a racing equipment company in Sweden, so you can also look at the different styles in his or my thread.


Keep up the great work, and keep the pictures coming!

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Yeah I have seen your thread at NG :)


The paint is a tiny bit off from the plastic parts, once its dry, but not much. But one can is not enough ;)


Here is the chin cup compared with the bicep




And thanks for the link mate :D


I will be updating with pictures all the time.

Almost takes and upload every tim I add a little detail hehe


Here is my shoulder strap setup ;)



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Garh! They wont ship outside of the UK! :angry2:


Maybe they will if you contact them. I'm pretty sure that's where Hummern4 got his from.


S**t, I realize now how much extra stuff I need to buy when looking at all your snaps, elastics etc... ;)

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Actually most of that comes with the kit from MC ;)


Take a look at one of the first pics I uploaded. There you can see all the parts I got from MC laid out on the floor.


But some extra snaps and a bit of elastic wont hurt ;)

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So the helmet got some extra layers today. 3 or 4 I think...forgot to count. Will let dry until tomorrow afternoon and see how it looks. Right now there are some small flaws in the paint, but I hope I can remove them with some wet sanding with grit 1000 and some polish maybe. Dont know. Never painted a helmet before.




Colour comparison to the armour.






I hope I cann complete this tomorrow or the day after at the latest.

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I have been in contact with a seller on Ebay about getting vinly, and they recomend THIS for me.

What do you guys think?


I had showed them the boot tutorial and this was the email reply.





Cool tutorial , I think this is the best for your needs http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FIRE-RESISTANT-RETARDANT-FAUX-LEATHER-LEATHERETTE-UPHOLSTERY-VINYL-FABRIC-X1-M-/320837836416?pt=UK_Crafts_Fabric_Textiles_SM&var=&hash=item76c1928da7


Fine grain leatherette , quite smooth but thick enough for your needs as it looks like you would need it hard wearing and has a little bit of stretch to it.

Hope this helps


Kind Regards




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1000 grit will polish hard, I always go 2000 wet or more before I hand polish (on automotive paint). Also as the paint outgasses any scratches will be more profound. Let get good and dry before wet sanding. Just my 2 cents. I have yet to paint a scout helmet but I have painted cars for 10 years.

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I have been in contact with a seller on Ebay about getting vinly, and they recomend THIS for me.

What do you guys think?


I had showed them the boot tutorial and this was the email reply.


That is not too bad for the boots. It should work nicely.

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Somehow I have screwed up the paint job on the helmet! :angry2:


After 3½ day its still not really dry, and when I touch it I leave big prints in the paint, from my fingers. I can actually rub the outer layer and there is a sticky layer underneath.


I will have to clean it all off somehow and start over!


Does anyone know how fibeglass reacts to acetone? Or should I just use paint thinner?


Here you can see the disaster...






And its like this all over!

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So sorry to hear that the paint did not dry well. Did you let time in between coats to let the paint set/dry?


I will be nearing the paint stage of two of my helmets soon so I would love to know what happened and avoid any issues as well.


Anyone have suggestions?



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I followed the drying time on the spray can. The first spray I used said that I should give additional coats before 4 hours of the first and that it would be completely dry after 36 hours of the last coat.


I wasnt happy with the colour of the first spray I used, so I used another, but after the first had dried for a good 40 hours-ish.


But I think the main problem may be that I used another brand of paint on top of the other. Even though it should have been dry.


But I have googled acetone on fiberglass and acetone is aparently the most recommended product, for removing paint from fiberglass, so it shouldnt do any harm to the helmet itself.

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Yeah, unfortunately the solvents in the 2 paints must be different (like xylene vs toluene vs naptha, etc). This can cause the effect you have now and the tackiness to the touch. Did you put a primer coat down initially? I usually do a primer coat and let it cure for around 24 hours. Also, I usually let the coatings dry for at least 12-14 hours before another coat.


I'm not super experienced with FG but you might consider just sanding it, then re-primer and paint. I'm afraid taking acetone to it won't be a good thing at this point.

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