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is AA making scout lids?

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I 'be this weekend got back from visiting Elstree Studios and was catching up on the AA open day and noticed from photos I've seen a scout lid is in a few pics?


Is AA going to be making scout lids? Sent him a message via. FB

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Andrew AInsworth, the guy who pulled the original stormtrooper helmets and armour (as well as a few other suits.) I'd be curious if he was because they weren't originally pulled in the UK. If he was, he'd be making one from scratch.

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Yeah, like Dart says, AA didn't make the scout lids, but he did make the TIE pilot, Rebel Fleet Trooper, and the prototype Navy Trooper bucket. The Scout lid definitely wasn't created until later, in California. It wouldn't really surprise me much if he tried to make a Scout helmet of his own to sell in certain parts of the world.

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Looks long like an MLC, but has the bumpy visor bolts like KS. Can't quite make out the snout...Maybe an Altmann's he picked up?

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Yes an MLC V3, somebody asked him on his FB page if he intended to make Biker Scout helmets, looks like he has his new "sculpt" ready for replication.


You forgot "casted of an original" ^^

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Not an Altmann's - too narrow.

I would agree with the MLC comments - and he (MLC) used to put out the bumpy visor bolts before he reTooled his current set.

I have an older set of the bumpy ones that I never used.


What makes it difficult is the angle - the snout curve on the bottom edge is slightly bowed more towards the front/nose than my MLCv3 -again, angles can deceive.



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I took a picture of my MLCv3 from memory of this post last night (bored, I guess) so the angle is not right but they look like brothers.

The only thing that I wondered about was the slight bowing out of the bottom snout on the AA lid versus my own.

MLC could have slightly changed the design between the two molds though....


Again, photo angles are killer. \m/



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that angle is easily achieved by leaning the faceplate ever so slightly forward at the top when building them.


so more than likely it's an MLC.

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