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SC Scout Helmet Prototype 2012 - feedback?

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Argghh! Just ordered my KS bucket kit a couple weeks ago, otherwise I would be all over this!!

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Have ordered 4 & can't wait for them to arrive.

Will be a few happy scouts here when they do!


Rick... you are not messing around there, brother!

I am looking forward to getting/building mine as well.



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One for me, one for my son... he's getting my old Altmann kit + the new bucket (NOT letting him have my Altmanns bucket!!).

Two are for friends of mine that are both working on scouts currently.


I'm trying to increase scout numbers in my squad...... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Grendel,


Do let us know on the fit and sizing of the new SC helm cos like the rest, i'm abit concerned about getting something which might not fit me. Currently using a MLC V3 helm. Thanks

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The first batch of Helmets shipped out today. Grendels is one of them. I look forward to reading about his intense scrutiny of the kit when he receives it. :)


SWEET!!!! Cannot wait - and Jeff; I am EZ with the scrutiny. I like the differences in many of the lids (as longs as they are not just-plain-ugly). :ph34r:


A million thanks again!



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I have an eager mini scout here awaiting his helmet (have already told him patience is something he'll need to learn ;) ).

He's getting my retired Altmann kit & we'll be building the new SC buckets together.


Is 11 years old too young to start? :D


Will post pics of father & son scouts when it's all done.....

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The first kits are reaching the buyers doorsteps and while I am getting good comments on the quality of the parts, a couple fans have expressed concern about the size of the helmets. Seems my helmet is not suited for a large head at all. Small and Medium heads only.

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Got my Helmet yesterday....AWESOME!!! love the padding, my son is getting my old Helmet he wants the new one....yeah right in his dreams. We will be building his kit soon. ...I have all parts just need to build...and the time.

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My 4 have arrived today... can't wait to get home to check them out.


(posting from work at the moment!)...


Update - these are FANTASTIC!! Highly recommended & Jeffs after sales service is 10/10.

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My 4 have arrived today... can't wait to get home to check them out.


(posting from work at the moment!)...


Update - these are FANTASTIC!! Highly recommended & Jeffs after sales service is 10/10.


That's one of the reasons I recommend him to newbies. :D

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I'm thinking I want to get one of these helmets, I look forward to some feedback. One thing about the head size; I completely don't know what would be considered a small\medium\large head. What are some general measurement ranges that would work with this helmet?

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Hey gang,

I received my kit on Saturday and the pull is very nice and well done. Compliments to Jeff's work!

Unfortunately, my head barely fits inside even before the nice padding would be added. (the included helmet pads are awesome too - a nice added feature).

I have an MLCv1 and v3 and they fit my head but again, not much wiggle room in those either. Not sure about the KS as I do not have one.

My only complaint, which Jeff is already looking into, are the decals. They need to be upgraded - LoneWolf has a fantastic set which would be great with this kit.


It stands and that my Altmann's and the LW are probably the buckets of choice for me and my large cranium. :P

Anyone with smaller heads (i.e. comfortable with an MLCv3), I recommend this kit. It does not seem difficult to build either - bonus.


My 2 cents....


Thanks again Jeff as the production quality remains top-notch.



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My head is 23" circumference just above the brow, and it fits in the new SC helmet with a harness (not foam padding). I cut the thickness of the rear adjustment wheel to get a little more room. I found that for me, the harness "top strap" is not touching the inside ceiling of the dome. I have a 3/4" pad velcroed in there. But of course, everyone's head is a different shape etc.


So I would think you could get up to a max 25" head approx. inside the new lid, depending on the shape of your head - that's my best guess.

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Yeah, we haven't quite found out how to measure someones head to safely make a judgement on fit. We were thinking the eye brow/circumference measurement would be enough, but a couple people had "high crowns" on their head and hit the Top of the Dome. Grrrrr.


We are working on better decals for the kit, and when we do have them in hand, we will send the new ones to anyone who purchased the older decals and asks.


We are working on an assembly tutorial for the helmet this coming week too. I'll post a link to that when it's ready. Anyone who got a helmet kit and didn't get printed instructions, I am sorry about that. Message me here and let's I'll send you some PDFs for you to read.

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Jeff, just like to thank you again for your great work & fantastic after sales service.


When you do get the new decals in, please register me in for a few sets & I'll be more than happy to pay for them.


Cheers brother!

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I got my kit today and unpacked it. Everything looks great to me since its my first helmet. I need instructions to build it right and not cut away to much but i will send Jeff a PM with it.

For the decals i must say that they look not very nice. Hope to get an updated Version there too. But mostly i am missing the chin-cup. Has anybody received one with the kit ? Currently i am making some photos so everybody can see what i got if this will be OK for Jeff to be seen here.

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Chin cups aren't included with the kits as they are an option, not essential for the build.


Most of us have contacted Lonewolf for one if required. ;)


If you want upgraded decals, look at Trooperbay for another option. I can't guarantee that they'll fit the traps on the back of the helmet (I'm ok with what Jeff provided for those) but hook cheek decal & the stripes on the back & forehead should be fine. I'll be getting a set through him myself.

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Chin cups aren't included with the kits as they are an option, not essential for the build.


Most of us have contacted Lonewolf for one if required. ;)


Lonewolf's chin cups are ABS and the best I have seen yet. Highly recommended!

Also, I recommend you grabbing some of his decals as they are also TOP-NOTCH!!! May as well since shipping from the UK is not the least expensive.



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