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SC Scout Helmet Prototype 2012 - feedback?

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Finally finished the SC bucket that my son will wear (experimented with the build on his first just in case I made any mistakes... LOL!).


I've always considered that I had a largish head but it seems to fit me ok. Whilst not as roomy as my Altmanns, still very wearable & looks great.

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Ladies and Gents.....I can wear my glasses under this new helmet!!!! one word


I can see!


well thats three, I couldnt with the KS one :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i got mine and was able to finish the SC i can post some. But there are new Problems coming along my build.

I have to press the left side of the backpart more to the outside cause its beveled.

You can see it here


and from the inside it looks like this


its about 2cm difference. This space i need to get the helmet on. So it would be nice if i got it fixed. Maybe with heat ?

The other Problem is that i have to find the right spot for the holes to put all parts together. There are no markings where

i have to drill. So at the moment the helmet looks like this


or this


And from the back you can see the 2cm gap also. Look here


So you see that there is still a lot of work waiting for me.

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Wow, did the helmet really come with that warp in the plastic, I know you got one of the first 5 helmets pulled off the new molds, but I did not think we sent out anything with that odd of a shape?


PAndatrooper shows and ingenious way to heat and twist plastic into the needed shape in his armor assembly thread ...http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=9781



The drill holes are still being worked out as I type. San Diego Comic Con and CVI hit us hard and we have not had time to test and retest the drill hole placement to be put in the molds. Mid August looks to be a little more open in the schedule to add some workshop time and get those drill holes figured out. Right now everyone has to tape the visor and faceplate in place, then drill from there.

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Hi Jeff.

I wondered but this was what i got.

I know Pandas Thread and currently i am trying to get some of the heating irons he used. Maybe i will get it back in shape.

For the holes i think i have hit some good spot. Still a lot of work to do with the helmet but i think it is worth every minute.

I am short of time so its a slow but sure build.

The gap between dome and back is filled with the silicone right know. Looks great.

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There is a low area in the mold in the left-side 'cheek' area, and we are addressing that now. The low area does not hinder or detract from the final look of the helmet, as it goes inward, not outward, but I totally see how it's distressing. I am not happy about it either. You look at this stuff for months on end, get weary and you miss things. :(


As for the gap, we are assembling 3 helmets this weekend and we noticed that if you do not sit the dome perfect into the side divots of the temple areas of the back plate, when you go the glue the center back of the dome to the back plate, you will get a slight gap on the side of the helmet that is not seated perfectly. We are tweaking our instructions to reflect the need of watching this area when gluing.


I think that is what happened with Kaltb's helmet, the dome is probably 1 mm off center and not lined up perfectly into the back plate,and it's riding high in the temple area, causing the back plate to be pushed away from the dome on that one side. I would have to inspect the helmet more to confirm though.

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