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Altmann - MLCv3 - MC - comparissons

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Yes the EFX helmet will be very interesting, I think there will be a few adjustments made to the copy, how the visor fits, the ear and eye holes, how is this going to be trimmed? Even the lttle nuances of how the visor sits, will it be close or wide looking.


Will the decals be vinyl? Water slide? Will it have a chincup and elastic? How will the inner visor appear, rough fibreglass or finished ?


Maybe a scan would be better to get an accurate fibreglass helmet instead of redoing a few pulls on the original bucks. Then we have a new helmet made which may not be put together accurately.

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Altmann had a bucket but never cast off of it. He only ever used the helmets he got from LFL as refernces to get his own sculpts to a point he was happy with.

He often made parts incorrectly just so that he could tell when people recast his work. His were always fan sculpts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I came back to this post because I picked up an MLCv1 fiberglass last week.

I have been looking at different lids online for days now (off and on) along with the "four girls" lined up and my house.


Then coming back the John's picture above I am realizing that with all the fan builds, the view ports are all much smaller and "top-curvey" than the one there at the Prop Shop.

The MLCv3 seems to be most "top-curvey" which I think makes the helmet look more worried that tough. (IMO, of course)

It was the toughness that made me fall in love with the Scout back in '83. Similar to Fett, his lid just looks mean - like you should not F* with him in any way.


John's CB build looks to be the closest I can tell of any thus far....


Just some observations that I wanted to throw out there for conversation/debate.



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It would be good to get some info from the son of DP and the maker of the Altmanns

helmets. I know Altmanns gave up on making helmets due to his son or family member

who sadly died.


Allot of fan sculpts have been created from scratch using photo's etc... or taken from

DP or Altmann helmet so the fan made helmets will never be 100% accurate.


Allot of other SW helmets have be cast from some sort of original helmet i.e. stormtroopers

and to this day no scout helmets have been cast from original - which is a shame.


When or if EFX release the scout lid this will be closet copy to an original apart being made from FG.



my theory why some of the helmets had 8 vents or 9 vents on the rear of the helmets

is probably due to the 1st vent being quite close to the seam line where the two half's

of the cap are joined together (see pic below of a unfinished helmet) and could of been

filled in by the prop maker when these where being made.




Still think that LW helmet is the closet looking to the original helmets even tho' it's not made from one.

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The person that I picked up the Altmann's from last month lives about 15 minutes away from Steve (Altmann) and was trying to get me an original TB helmet box and a signature.

He did not get a response and told me that Steve lays low these days... They had not communicated in a couple years either....


Neil; I would agree with your vent theory. Make total sense... (also agree with LW lid being true to form)


Well, our best bet is to get in good with someone that has a key to the Lucas Archives and swindle out an actual Scout helmet and armor set.

Then we would all be set. :D



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VENTS::: The above looks to have 9.


This guy below has 8 it appears. \m/








Alright, I gotta get back to work.... :lol:


One more from the Prop Shop helmet - 8 vents but one is larger near the seem.





Edited by Grendel_Blitz
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Guest Penn Chemist

Wow, what an amazing thread! Thanks for the insight guys!


Really good info sharing all around. It certainly is a shame that more hasn't been done with the scout. Sure it was a relatively small set of characters but I mean what could be more bad behind than a scout! Save for Fett, but he's just in a league of his own!


Really awesome insight guys, thank you all for sharing!

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