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Blaster Designation

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I was looking on an online auction website who shall not be named and found that someone made a patch with the holdout blaster on it and designated as the Blastech EB-71. Looking back through the old posts, the last time this was discussed was in 2007. On that post, someone found that it was designated, unofficially, as the SoroSuub Q-2s5.


So, now I can't find anything for a name, even the Star Wars Wiki has nothing. In any military / industrial complex, such as the empire, there are countless designations for everything. It has always bugged me that the only name we hear is biker scout blaster, or a holdout blaster (which isn't even close, considering it has a scope). Has anyone heard of the EB-71 or even Q-2s5? Or is it possible that we can come up with an official (as close as Lucas will allow to official anyway) designation for the only little weapon we get to carry?

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Great topic idea...interested in everyone's take on it. :)


I like this Wiki article (below) with corresponding blaster links. IMO...the blaster was put together quickly for the scout costume and movie. I don't believe a lot of thought went into its' name and/or origins until much later on when Ep 1, 2, and 3 came out and a connection could be made with "older" holdout blasters. In various books and comics, scouts carry the E-11 (and even have an E-11 sniper rifle). Of course in games we can carry a DLT-19 sniper-ish kind of blaster. ;)





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So has anyone made a ruling on this? Is one of those two designations the official one?

Yeah, that would be good to know. I know official names like E-11, or DLT-19 have been used or a long time. Who made up those?

It seems like ROTJ in general, gets a lot less love when it comes to technical information & behind-the-scenes sorta stuff.

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Biker Scout pistol sounds good to me.


I have been a SW fan since I was a kid, I love the OT , watched the movies many times, when I joined the Emerald Garrison a few years ago I heard folks calling the Stormtrooper blaster an E11, Han Solo's blaster a DL44 and immediately thought that SW fandom was becoming very Star Trek style.


I didn't read all the "technical" stuff written and made up to beef up the SW universe, to sell books and give the techy guys names for the SW world of bits and pieces.


Call the Biker Scout pistol whatever you want, it was never named in the "real" world of ROTJ.

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