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3 cheers for Mr Bungle


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with the announcement of his retirement, I am sure my fellow Kashyyyk Troopers will join in some cheers for Mr Bungle for services to our beloved costume!


Along with the other pioneer pghfett - thanks for all the boundaries you pushed for the costume mate. Without you, there surely wouldn't be as many of us as there are.


Thanks for all the effort over the last few years with the pulling of armour, helmets and greebs.


Thanks for the skill and talent of bringing this costume to life for all of us.


Thanks for being a good friend. I hope you arent leaving me to moderate on my own!


Best of luck on your next project, already looking forward to it!


Hip hip... HOORAY

Hip hip...HOORAY


Hip Hip.......

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The first bottle of Kashyyyk Camo Beer is on me!

(Wood fire brewed using real Wroshyr Trees. ;) )

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