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''lancer'' knee armor questions!

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do you think this ''second strap'' for lancer will be good? in the lancer updat of 2011 there is standing that they have to be 12 mm / 1/2''

and does the strap which is on the knee already have to be smaller? because in the lancer updates there is standing that they have to be 25 mm / 1'', and mine are just a 2 or 3 mm bigger than 25 mm ;)








I thought about it, and I want to let my scout have a more ''lancered'' look ;)

I am trying to do my very best, I know I can't turn everything of my scout into ''lancer status'' because I don't have very much experiance yet in making costumes.....

so... I am only going to try to get a more ''lancered'' look as far as I can (with my experiance and money... (I don't earn much money so yeah...))


I hope to learn a lot about the lancer status, and today I found around 30 pictures of the scouttrooper on screenshots who helped me a lot to change my mind about the lancer thing :)



I will do my best, but more I can't do ;)








and on my SC armor, where do I have to place the rivets???







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Unfortunately there are not many endors that supply a knee armour with a correct egde return on them. Moncal does and also one of the UK guys is now molding them, and SC are updating as far as I know, they are not vey expensive to buy so would recomend that route, but at this time I would accept rivits on the side close to the edge as you have pictured but look at screen grabs for correct placement, but as these new knees become more available I will write in the CRL that the rivit must be on a return edge.

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I know it's SC armor, but where can I get the correct knee armor?


I only need the knee parts, I am not totally going for lancer, but want a more lancer ''look'' ;)


thank you very much for the information!

you got the money already from me for the cummerbund and pouches?




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I thought about it when I did read your PM Griffin-X,


I am waiting with upgrading to lancer status ;)

I first want to get approved by 501st before going to upgrade...

that is my dream to come in the 501st!!!


I am sorry for all the questions, but I am going for standard scout for sure now!

later I will for sure go for lancer status!!!


I hope you all don't mind...




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SC was slated to have the kneecaps remastered by end of April, but now that is pushed back into late May. Currently we are finishing up revamping our Helmet and thermal det molds, then we move on to the Chest and Back, then the Kneecaps... unless of course the BSN members feel the accuracy of the SC kneecaps are more of a priority for than the chest and back.

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Hey Jeff personally I would say go for the knees first mate as we can get by for now with the rest. My SC armour is lancer cleared but wouldnt now only because of the knees, we need that return edge mate urgent for the second knee strap, what do you think mate?

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