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GOOD NEWS : My Bucket is 90% done, and looks awesome.

BAD NEWS : Ran into a snag with the SC TD and Don Jarr Greebs.


It looks like the Indention running along the back of the TD is smaller for SC then others. The Don Jarr greebs look good, but they are to wide to fit

the TD.


SOOOOO, im thinking i need to cut the Greebs down to fit, or should i cut out some of the TD to fit the full size greebs?


Anyone else run into this problem?

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I'll echo the above post. My MC TD is also too narrow so I just shimmed it with some plastic I had and that was that.

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Yup just shim it and fit them over the slot, failing that source anouther TD box with a wider slot, the proper ones have a wider slot the circle greeblie side as well, so they shouldnt be the same.

Quick fix is to shim though

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I totally agree with the sentiments in the replies on this thread so far, shim the greeblies for the time being.... and in a couple weeks, email me about getting a replacement box that is way more accurate (I am about 1 week away from vacforming the new thermal det box prototype).

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I totally agree with the sentiments in the replies on this thread so far, shim the greeblies for the time being.... and in a couple weeks, email me about getting a replacement box that is way more accurate (I am about 1 week away from vacforming the new thermal det box prototype).


Good deal Jeff...you rock. :)

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