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Scout ready for inspection

Smiling Fox

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I have been at it since yesterday afternoon and believe I have a presentable scout costume. I want to thank everyone who has helped me. Special thanks to Griffin-X for all the help and support. I have rarely met people as helpful as you all. So with that in mind, I have a few pics of the result so far. I would appreciate any criticism. Mind you that these are taken with a tired hand and an iPhone. I will be having a friend take better pics tomorrow with a good camera and proper light.









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I think once I got over the initial shock of working out it's taken in a mirror (I was like.... aaaragh the chest grey detail is on the wrong side!!)...


You're good.

A few tweaks, but nothing serious.


I can't tell from your pictures whether your suit has the suede patches and straps on the thighs.


Pouches could do with some padding, just to define their shape a bit more.

And if you can, I'd probably bring them in about an inch on either side. You ideally want the inner edge of the pouch to line up with the outer edge of the grey box on your chest, then match up the other side to suit.


Drop box straps. The clips could have the webbing routed a bit better. Makes them look less like clips. Bit difficult to describe, but take a look at these screen grabs.






Also, can you hide away the Zip up the front of your suit?


Beyond that....

I think some better quality pics might help.


I have the same problem. iPhone camera is garbage.

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Not to bad at all Matt and i'am very happy this suite is coming togther after all the proplems you have had

As Rob has seid it just needs bits here and there, i can see there are no ridining patchies so you will need them to be cleared, also going with the floppy pockets when you fill them you may find the chest armour will need to be raised a touch but thats no big prop.


all good bud

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I do have the riding patches, straps and mudflap on the suit. You just can't tell any detail from this picture. I could bring the pouches in a bit but not an inch, as they are only a bit over a half an inch from the ribbing on the bund. I will work on something to hide the zipper, though that may be difficult. I will work something out there.


As to the drop boxes. They are huge. Looking at the screen grabs, they are twice the size they should be. I am not sure what you mean by routing them differently. Should they look less like like clips? I sewed the straps so that the clips are actual working clips and not just for show. For some reason I thought it made more sense than having them just free to slide around. But they are adjustable.

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Yes, the KS drop boxes are like wearing a pair of picnic cooler's compared to the screen accurate ones.


It is only an observation regarding the routing. The clips should work, i.e. be able to split apart, but from the screen grabs, the actual length is not adjustable. If you look closely, the top strap goes through the clip, so only the main part of the buckle shows, and the bottom bit goes through so you can see the main buckle and one band of black.

Plus there doesn't appear to be any loose ends showing.


Pouches, just bring them in to the ribs then. I think thats right anyway looking at your frontal shot. I was just judging distance from the picture (not an exact science).



They are just very picky tweaks. Whether your GML will be that picky..... Only he knows.

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Good looking suit! I never knew the KS drops were so large either.


As for hiding the zipper, if you sew (or know someone that does), would making a gator-like bib that goes up and around the neck (almost like the TK neck seal but without the ribs) be Lancer acceptable? Just a thought....


Eitehr way, looking good!



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