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Scout Vest Tutorial?

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Does anyone know of a tutorial out there for making the black, ribbed sleeve under-vest?

With the new 501st rules for 'basic' admission adding the under vest to the list , I figured there would be one out there, but I have not found it yet.

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I never saw a vest tutorial, mine was done by my sister inlaw, she use an image, some kind of pattern that i find here and the screen captures. She made the molds and turn it out pretty amazing.

She did another one for a fellow trooper BobaLeo.



Under Sleeve with armor on:


Shoulder detail:


Back detail:


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I think the problem occurs because things like vests and bunds are person specific.


I've got some basic templates of what they should look like (roughly), but not a "how to" as a such.

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I'm almost done with mine. I'll upload some pics when I get a chance. I had to do the same. I worked up a pattern using an old t shirt and looking at loads of pics. Question for anyone and/or anyone: does the vest go OVER or UNDER the 'bund? Thanks in advance!

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