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KS cummberbund issues

Smiling Fox

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Well, after waiting four months for my armor and cummberbund to arrive, I received everything today. Instead of being thrilled, I have mixed emotions. My cummberbund, which was ordered in white, is off-white. There are no vertical ribs in the front and the strap is only 1" not 2". With all that said, I am not worried about the ribs or straps as I can sew and will begrudgingly fix this. However, is the color going to be a problem? I have fought for months to actually get my order here and am hesitant to send it back. I am at work at the moment but I will post pics later. Everything else seems to be ok, with the exception of the helmet, but I think I can make that work.

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Depends on what you mean by 'off white'.


If it's considerably off, then yes that will be an issue at a guess.


Best post some pics up with it against an armour part to gauge the difference.



To be honest, if it's not up to spec, then personally I'd be sending it back and either asking for them to do it again toot sweet or to refund my money.

Just out of interest how much did they charge for it?


Im truth, things like the ribbing and the strap width shoud be right from the start. You shouldn't need to pay good money for something that's not right from the start. Especially if you've had to wait for ages for it in the first place.

Complaining about it being a 'hobby' or 'materials' is just off in my opinion. If they've taken your money, they should be right on it!

But that's just me.

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If the bund isnt white it isnt any good in my opinion, off white pouches are ok but the bund must be white, if its just a tiny bit off white you may be ok and weather it up so its not noticable, but if it is noticable send it back.

That being said KS dont build for the 501st they buld for themselves as a business, so if they wanted to send them out with pink dots what can you say, did you ask if it was white?

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I appreciate the quick reply. When I said off-white, I meant VERY off-white. Sadly, I did ask for white, and every picture of their bunds are white. There were actually several things I was told that were not correct. To say that I am upset is an understatement. So it looks like this weekend, I will be out trying to find the material and sewing one to I can actually enjoy what I do have. After I calm down, I will be sending an email to KS and then sending the bund back on Monday.

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Yup send it back with a snotty message is what I say..


I don't know why most people seem content with such shoddy service.


The bund isn't a majorly difficult bit to make. Can take some time, but not drastically complex.

You'll need a couple of metres of white fabric, cotton drill or similar, some wadding and your black elastic and a small nugget of Velcro.



If you get stuck, I'm sure there are people on here who can see you straight at short notice. Just drop us a PM if you want any pointers.

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I 'am so sorry to hear that Matt, as there is nothing worst than waiting mouths for parts only to end up with not what you asked for, it's happened to me so i know how upset you are at the mo, i hope it sorts out and i know this motley crew of BSN will try there hardest to get ya soted bud

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I have sent an email to KS relating my unhappiness with the cummerbund. I have also bought some material and will try and have a new bund done this weekend. Meanwhile, I just have to address the rest of the issues I have with this armor.

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What's the rest of the problems bud? Sounds like you've had a bit of a bum deal..


But fear not, with the help in here, everything is overcomeable.




Edit.... Ignore that, I see you've done another threadnn

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Matt, bugger sorry to hear, I have made my own cummberbuns, there are two sorts of Duck cotton here in Australia, one is really quite off white more beige which is easy to get, the other is the white and takes a little more time to search for


There are many members that have made their own, so if ya get stuck, just shot us some questions.

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