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More photo's of my modified Rubies

Guest troopermanx

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Guest troopermanx

Hey Josh,

I used Acrylikhan's blog as a guide,you can find it here:-It is quite a (http://daemonkhan.br...com/entry/42955)

It is quite involved and requires alot of patience and some skill,but worth it in the end.

Thanks. Hopefully I can find one of these for cheap an make it look like that

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Guest amdevil

i had a DP pretty close to where I wanted it (not even close to how good your is) and after pulling her out of the box after beeing in air conditioned storage for a bit the face has warped. It cas contorted in ways that are very hard to correct. did you usewire hangers and a hot car to shape the face?

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Guest troopermanx

Hi Amdevil,

I used 3mm welding rods which are pretty much the same as wire coathangers , bent them to shape and hot glued them in,then when I was happy with them i used polyurethane sealer to smooth them off.

You can only bend the main part of the helmet so much so that you can still get your head in.

My mate had a pretty warped rubies tho and he chucked it away,cause no matter how much heat was applied to the helmet,as soon as it cooled went back to being deformed again.

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