Guest Kilo-Sierra-21 Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 Does anyone actually know the company of the boot that was then covered in vinal for the screen? I have seen an image of the boot but couldnt make out the comapny. Thanks Hugh
Pandatrooper Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 Sierra sneaker hiking boots
4505Marcel Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Unforunately they never come up for sale Ive never even seen a real pair, I have looked for years and nothing has turned up. We had a guy selling a close pair on here not so long back, but they were a really small size. I really cant understand where they all went, all I can think of is they were not a very robust boot, and most got binned.
TB-7076 Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Last time I saw people aquiring these had been somewhere 2005/2006 and unfortunately I lost track where these have gone and who is the owner now. One pair a guy got from italy which are the tan ones (shown in the gallery) without the horizontal bridge in the sole side threading and one pair with green soles and camouflage canvas some guy sold in the old RPF forums. From then I lost track of the pairs stil existing and known. I never have seen these on ebay or else for sale.
gluejunky Posted April 10, 2012 Posted April 10, 2012 actually those camo boots are mine. i found then at a thrift store back in mid 05 i think it was....and i still got em. there on the rpf for sale right now plus i still have the off white pair i found a week before i found the cammo's and about a week after the guy in itally bought his off' was a good couple weeks the camo boots are perfect for some one to make molds off of and cast soles, there new and never worn. some one with good skills and a milling machine can make larger sizes, these are 9 1/2 by us sizes. here is the link to the forum
TB-7076 Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Boots are saved for the scout community. thanks for Jerry making these available!
CROW62 Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 wow, a nice origins history, I hope I will can do my best maing the molds, is good to know are saved for the BS brotherhood! Gio CT6244
gluejunky Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 im so glad to see these get into some good hands, I realy wish I could have got this done, I just dont have the time, and when i posted it here many years ago i got very little interest, so my drive to do it was realy there. it sounds like more people have interest in getting copies, i still have a pair of the tan sierra sneakers and , ahem, if im first to get a a piar (wink wink ) i would be happy to do a side by side comparison and a review of them for you guys. but ya now....I'm just sayin finally i contributed to this a small way i guess
gluejunky Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 and for those of you looking for the actual boots, all i can say is hit 'good will' and '' thrift stores'', maybe even give reward flyers out to them, i was thinking of something like $50 to who finds these some networking with these places. i did it on my own steam, 2-3 days a week, and in less than a year i found two pairs...there has to more out there, i wonder how many the thrift stores think are old and garbage and throw away???? isnt THAT sad to think about ??
TB-7076 Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 The same with 3M changing their bolt design for their welder liners... but despite the growth in the last years the collector market is still a niche market and so nothing to be recognized by the common market. Can be a skae but also a curse at times.
TB-7076 Posted June 1, 2012 Posted June 1, 2012 Hi Jerry, one of the boots is currently with a friend who is doing a 3D Scan of the boots. As the original pair of boots will be taken apart vor replication I thought this backup would reduce the risk they her lost either by mail or fail in replicating them. However I'm optimistic ;-). Soon the boots will go on their final journey. 1
Boba Leo Posted August 6, 2012 Posted August 6, 2012 On 6/1/2012 at 3:02 PM, TB-7076 said: Hi Jerry, one of the boots is currently with a friend who is doing a 3D Scan of the boots. As the original pair of boots will be taken apart vor replication I thought this backup would reduce the risk they her lost either by mail or fail in replicating them. However I'm optimistic ;-). Soon the boots will go on their final journey. Wow!! I will follow this topic very closely!!! Leo
TB-7076 Posted January 16, 2013 Posted January 16, 2013 Due to issues with the planned source for replication and no alternate producer so far I have to see what I can do. So far I have a rough 3D scan of the boots and I wished I could have my boots ready for CE II but have to keep the boots unchanged for propper replication :/
Junglie Scout Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Chaps I recently contacted hi-tec sports who under their subsidiary "Inter", made the original boots. I spoke to the global product director who sent me this response: "Hi Andy, Sadly, I’ve drawn a blank on these and unfortunately no original design records remain. The closest boot in our current collection is the Sierra Mid (please see attached photo) - I’m not sure this is going to be of much use to you but thought it worth a go! There are similar styles of boots available in the market today, notably from Palladium so it may be worth taking a look at their site Sorry, I’ve not been able to help you further and I wish you success in the future. Best regards, Garie. " I did ask him if the original drawings existed would they be willing to do a run. He was receptive to that amazingly. As they have been destroyed we're back to square one again. Unfortunately this drives a large nail into this particular coffin. Still nothing ventured, nothing gained!. Philipp, well and truly over to you buddy!!
Pandatrooper Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 I would be willing to create and provide vector drawings to them if we could agree on all the design details.
Chef Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 I think John (LoneWolf) had done a really snazzy and uber accurate cast of a Sierra sole. it was only in a size 10 or something though. Might be worth dropping him a line.
TB-7076 Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 I think John's take was not based on an original cast but rather a self modelled mould maybe using another boot base to get the right proportions for a boot. But of course I'm not sure. However I still have the boots (size 9/10 they fit me) and try to investigate any possibilities.
Pandatrooper Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 Philipp, not sure if you want any help, but I can also model in 3D. I could clean up your scan if this would lead to the original manufacturer being able to use the model for CAD and making a run of boots!
TB-7076 Posted May 15, 2013 Posted May 15, 2013 So guys - I have given up. I think there is no realistic chance to get these boots made properly and I don't want this pair taken apart for - in my eyes - a minor benefit for all. Unless I can't monitor and counsel the reproduction the result will probably end up in a poor result compared to a conversion of the existing boots. CE II is roudn the corner and I want proper boots as my old ones are falling apart and are uncomfortable to wear (size issues). However I still have the scans and will have a conversation with the guy who made these how to use the 3D files appropriately. I will also reconsider your offer Panda trooper as well as other interest parties. I wish there was a board of the elders here at BSN to better discuss things like these - preserving and making available original assets for all of the scout community. All attempts for such kind of council or interest group I witnessed came to nothing in the end. So I am a bit pessimistic. Problem as always - the right people are not at one place and some things you simply cannot do via internet as properly as being in one work shop. So even if this sounds overly negative - we have the files, they're rough but we might do something with them and for patterns on the shoes themselves we can just abuse another pair of similar boots to take apart. If there is a way to do it - I'm all in to go the route and provide my services. Stay tuned or contact me if you have realistic ideas.
Griffin-X Posted May 15, 2013 Posted May 15, 2013 I would advise a msg to Marcel and Chex to form the council. You're a staff member so there's no reason we could not form the group you mentioned. Great idea btw...
Chef Posted May 15, 2013 Posted May 15, 2013 Andy Slater actually approached Hi-Tec once about these boots and although they no longer had the schematics to these boots, one of the chaps there remembers them. They didn't sound averse to the idea of making them, they just said that it was unfeasible due to them not having the technical drawings for the sole. Could be worth some cheeky emails in their direction.
Junglie Scout Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Thanks Rob!! I did talk directly to the Global Product Director and through him to the MD. They no longer have the design drawings as Rob has mentioned but he did allude to the fact they wouldn't pass out of hand looking at redoing them if the market existed. He also didn't say that they would either!!! I suppose it's time to let the cat out of the bag; I've been learning the ins and outs of 3DS Max for a month or two and I decided to cut my teeth on the sole design; so I've been working on this from another angle. There are many Asian companies capable of making them for a reasonable cost. My idea was to then use an accurate sole on a similar to original donor boot (i.e palladiums). We're all aiming for a result here and it looks like it's time to see if we can get this off the ground together!! Philipp, the scans alone will be worth their weight in gold as they're as accurate as possible. They can be scaled and used to produce soles in all sizes. We might not get it right first time, or even the second, but in my vho, it's time surely to get away from those dreadful work boots and get something worth wearing!! For the Command Staff: I'm more than willing to pick up the baton and try to get something we can strap to our feet. A.
TB-7076 Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 Here is apicture of the current state of the file: Still have to talk to the guy who made it for me. He said the file is all mine but I want to be sure. The sole itself has a steel shank for better stability!
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