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@ pandatrooper

I was thinking the same thing ;)

I did not sew it yet, so I'm lucky :P

I will make it shorter as much as I can ;)

I have to test fit it, before I am going to sew it, so I will first wait till 15 - 16 september, because then I have a event where I wanted to wear my bikerscout :) just to get some comments on it and how to fix some parts and such... ;)


thanks for letting me know!




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  • 2 weeks later...

last weekend I was at the Elf Fantasy Fair in arcen in the netherlands ;)

at saturday I was walking in my bikerscout costume and let it check by one of my fellow scouts who is a lancer ;)

he said the only things I still have to do are:'' the mudflap, the ridingpatches, and the fabric around the shoulder '' :D


here are some pictures of my bikerscout on the EFF ;)












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I bought some suede today :)

I found somewhere real suede and some of my garrison said it is good enough to use :)

so, I will post a picture of the suede when I have it at my home :) so you all can check it out to ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

my sewing machine arrived :) and I got my new suede that I needed, because the other suede wasn't working out well.....

so... this weekend I will with my mom be sewing on my suit :D

and after that is done, I will make my 501st pictures to get hopefully get approved ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello everone :D


it's been a little while since I last came on this forum.....

to keep you all up to date..... I am really ALMOST finished with my bikerscout costume :D

only still need to do the riding patches and the mudflap ;)

didn't got very much time lately to finish it, but this upcoming week my mom and I are gonna take a look at my bikerscout again ^_^

hopefully in the month November I am ready to take pictures for the 501st :D

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