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Why I Need a TB Helmet!

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who in their right mind rides aroond in their TK helmet?! what a "SILLY BOY"


Moderated - "PLease do not swear on the forum thank you"


just ordered a crop circle helmet! can't wait to get started!! what's the most difficult part of the helmet build to get right? do i need to order something else to make it more accurate? i was hoping i could look at pics of LANCER submittals to see the difference / study, but i guess i don't have access.





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Guy is clearly mad as the vision whilst wearing one of those things is terrible. Heck, I struggled just walking around a department store.

As for the TB helmet from KS. I'm not sure exactly. I do think the bolts and covers need to be changed to get to lancer level.

I don't have a TB helmet yet myself. Will be getting one shortly.

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you may not have access to everything until you get an official designation, clearance from your GML, etc. but i believe you should be able to see the post by witness



that has all the mods you will need to make. it was very helpful for me as i have a KS as well. if you can't see it, you can always ust read the "build" threads...as folks post the info on changing the snout, bolts, decals, etc.

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Yeah, get a new snout from MC, change out the bolt covers, get new stickers. Paint the inside black cause you can't use the mesh they send you for the ears. Fairly easy to put together.

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Guy is clearly mad as the vision whilst wearing one of those things is terrible. Heck, I struggled just walking around a department store.

As for the TB helmet from KS. I'm not sure exactly. I do think the bolts and covers need to be changed to get to lancer level.

I don't have a TB helmet yet myself. Will be getting one shortly.



mad indeed! everyone knows TK helmets were originally designed for "stationary" troopers and to enhance blaster accuracy!


heh heh, that's why i need a TB helmet

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Ditto what the guys have said...I also have a KS and swapped the stickers and snout. Its a good lid man.



I am getting a KS helmet as well. I know I need to replace the snout, but which decals need to be replaced?

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Sorry bro had to moderate your first post we dont allow swearing on the forum.


You should be able to see the lancer standards in the public section, The Imperial Bulletin board under costume standards. But as said above you wont be able to see previous lancer apps untill 501st approved and have more access to the forum sorry.

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Doh! Please excuse my ignorance. I really didn't know that was an inappropriate word! Too much influence from Wallace & Gromit, and The Office, I suppose... how embarrassing. :( I really thought it was similar to "bozo", "dufus", or "dum-ath" (btw, that's me on the bike, so i was just being silly... I didn't call someone else that and I hope no one was offended).


Thanks for the info. Do you mean 501st approved for TB, or 501st approved in general?

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I am getting a KS helmet as well. I know I need to replace the snout, but which decals need to be replaced?


Basically, all of the stickers. :) The hook, nose, bars, etc. If you check out Trooperbay, they have what you need.

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