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Little short for a stormtrooper.......

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My armour is done and pics ready for clearance but I am a little worried that some of the armour looks too big, i'm only 5' so the gaps on the armour are no where near as big as they are on you guys. Is that ok? or should I trim them to make gaps? don't want to ruin the armour if it shouldn't be over trimmed, does that make sense?


Thanks in advance :)

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Your costume looks great and pretty much complete. Nice work! I would trim the shoulder bells back a bit for your fit. If possible, try to lower your belt a little on your waist. Also, make sure you paint the chest rectangle grey. ;)

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i agree. you could probably trim 1/4" off the bottom of the shoulder bell - maybe even 1/2" (better to start with less and see how it looks...can't put it back).


you might also be able to take 1/4" off the top of the biceps as well. the forearms could just be slip down closer to the top of the gloves.


sliding your belt down as griffin-x stated will "add" height to your scout...adding a little space between the pouches and the belt.


if you're feeling adventurous, you could also make the pouches about 1/2" smaller all around. i'm 5'11", but the accurate pouch measurements looked too big on me, so i took 1/2" off and now they "fit" perfectly.


lastly, the fish hook is missing on the left side of the visor.


you're looking great...a couple tweeks and you're set. nice job

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Looks great! As was mentioned before..the trimming of the bottom of the shoulder bells and possibly the tops of the biceps will likely get you all set! You could trim a bit off the tops of the chest and back plate so they sit higher, but then you may need to redo your strapping, so thats up to you. I think the shoulder/bicep trim should do it for ya. Nice job...looks fantastic!

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Katie, You look great,

I'm 4'11 ....and agree With the guys Trimed the bells and the forearms, mould them a little more to your arm too, even if you feel like the knees may need it go for it, I had cut mine right down. Otherwise you looks Awesome, and you will get the a "a little short for a stormtrooper" I just say I'm not a stormtrooper "lol"

If you need help in the measuring just PM me and I send you how much I cut off.

Good luck.

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Looks like you've got some great advice already. I believe the fishhook is there, the flash just drowns it out. Also, make sure you cover up thegap on your shoulder tabs, and don't forget the greeblies on the TD. Try to see if you can get a set from DJ over there.

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Great advice guys, doesnt look too bad at all well done, I trimmed a little off my wifes at the shouder joins to raise up the chest/back a little also which helped, just some little tweaks and your good to go.

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Hi TeneScout,


first off - congrats in getting your scout costume nearly completed


great to see some new members joining the 501st as scouts and also from the UK :D


only needs a few tweaks and the thermal det detail to be added and your all done

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Old and new? so am I right to think that I need the "new" ones for clearance? don't want to commit to anything until i'm 100%sure :blink:


Thanks Guys, you are all very helpfull :) did my first troop today (unofficial, so keep it on the downlow :ph34r: ) was fun :D

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my understanding is that clearance for pathfinder is possible with a couple variations. however, since we know the actual screen used piece, there's little reason not to buy it and get it right from the get go. the screen identified piece is about $6 from DJ on ebay...and it looks great. i suggest just getting it...it won't be wrong to have it...and better than changing it later

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there's little reason not to buy it and get it right from the get go.

Very true! I really don't look forward to prying mine off to replace it, but I'd rather have the correct piece on there. Might as well get one while they're easily available.

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@ Alex

Is that the decided upon correct way for the new greeblie to go?


It's a part I picked up from DJ on eBay. It was cheap and it looked really closer than the old one. ;)


@ Elwyn

Wouldn't you rather glue it than use tape?


Yes, if I knew for sure it was permanent. There could be a variation or alternate part so I don't want to commit just yet. :)

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