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new Lancer Knee armor strapping

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In the movie, lots of different size knee straps were used from scout to scout some of the background scouts such as the one tapped on the shoulder by Han wore larger strapping on the bottom of the knee i used this as a more practical strap for trooping and also keeping movie accurate


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Knee elastics are both 3/4" black elastic top and bottom, the difficulty with this requirement is that the return edge is too thin on MC or not there at all on SC knee armour. I don't know an armour with adequate room for a rivet at the return edge. To rivet the top strap onto an inaccurate knee is as bad as not doing it.

There may be an 1 3/4" strap at the middle of the knee [joined inside the kneeplate]as well to hold the knee armour up, tricky to see on the Blu Ray, so troopability is good if you add this strap.

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right now i have an elastic strap attached with velcro...i have SC armor so the rivet is a tough fit. the second strap makes a big difference in keeping it in place (i hate it sliding toward the inside of my knee). it'll do until i get around to "feeling comfortable" adding the rivet for the new lancer specs...

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  • 2 months later...

1 3/8 means you have to do some cutting on the knee for the "new" lancer spec. does not look like any shot i have seen in ROTJ has anything that big. i can see the top strap being 1/2 no problem.........but that FAT strap....


what shots did the armorer use to get that 1 3/8 strap size? i don't want to cut up plastic if i don't have too..

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right now i have an elastic strap attached with velcro...i have SC armor so the rivet is a tough fit. the second strap makes a big difference in keeping it in place (i hate it sliding toward the inside of my knee). it'll do until i get around to "feeling comfortable" adding the rivet for the new lancer specs...


I'm with you and have 3/4 elastic for the top knee straps in place w/Velcro. It does make them stay in place better. My KS knees actually have enough of a return edge for a rivet but I plan to upgrade my overall armor to SC or MC this year.

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The lower strap should be what is always has been, 1 3/8 was an typo. they should fix it soon (per other post)


and YES MC knees can have the top strap added! WOOT



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We reviewed some film shots and there seemed to be more wider straps than thinner on the knee hence what we choose, I feel we have the top strap right, but can see the argumant for a slightly thinner lower strap, if you guys want to post some pictures I am more than happy to review with discussion with Andi. I dont agree they are both 3/4 though, not from what ive seen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible that the wider strap you noticed was during one of the stunt scenes? It could've been a wider knee strap for whatever knee padding could've been used for protection during stunts.

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Guys I have been Looking in detail screenshots and I have come to a conclusion, as Andy said: lots of different size knee straps were used from scout to scout.


I think and it is my humble thought that the scenes on the bike, the troops did not move so the straps used were much less reinforced. On the contrary when the troops were moving, they were more reinforced


Instead we observe this!!!!!



And if we can rotate the Knee armor with the straps and compare it with the closing of the boots, we have a measure that we know 25 mm.


I think that having this, we can see different sizes (lower strap one passing through the knee armor) from 15 mm, 20 mm to 25 mm.





Tell me guys, what do you think?



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Well done Leo nice pictures, while we can disreguard the mom picture as it is known to be wrong the screen grab where you flipped the picture is very good.


This is what I feel we should be going for-

25mm lower strap this will be in between sizes of what we have seen and 12mm top strap, I dont see the top strap being any wider than this on the basis it is lost in the crease of the flight suit on the moving speeder picture any wider and it would show on the suit.

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That sounds like a fair deal, Marcel. Having the main strap at 1" is a good compromise given all the widths we've seen.

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This is one of the screen caps i took, showing the use of a much larger poss 1" strap


As both sizes were used in the filming i thourt i lager bottom strap would sercure the knee armour better for trooping

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