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gloves, blaster and armor


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thank you very much :D


I have a question...

I have the new detonator greeblies, but it seems that they don't fit on my SC detonator...









can someone help me out with this??? please???





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Hey there...my kit is KS and the TD is a bit larger. I think you are on the right path by putting something underneath the greeblie. Maybe an ABS strip and/or double sided tape. Provided you have the greeblie and it looks good, you should be fine. Hope that helps! :)



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Hey there...my kit is KS and the TD is a bit larger. I think you are on the right path by putting something underneath the greeblie. Maybe an ABS strip and/or double sided tape. Provided you have the greeblie and it looks good, you should be fine. Hope that helps! :)


:) that helps indeed :) thank you very much!!!

I think I will go for the double sided tape, because I have no clue where to find a ABS strip here in the Netherlands... ;)




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Someone on here stuck theirs on with velcro.... (for when the "which way" debate is solved).


That would certainly raise it up enough.

What I did was place a peice of velcro on a small strip of ABS and glued it in the groove, then velcro on the back of the greeblie and then stuck it on. Works for me.

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that's a great idea to, but I already used the double sided tape to raise it up.

and I did glue the double sided tape to the detonator and I did glue the sides of the greeblie also to the detonator.

you see a very little on the side that there is double sided tape under the greeblie, but hope that wouldn't be a big problem, and if so, how can I make it in a way that the double sided tape is not visible at all???


tomorrow or this evening I will post some pictures of my detonator.

in my eyes it looks fine, but I'm no expert so yeah :P




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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to get this week some hot glue to put the end caps on the detonator :)


now I am busy with my chest, my back armor and going to start my flightsuit today or tomorrow if I have the time :D







I know... my face is a bit weird on this picture............ :P






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Cheers Marielle! Good to see you smile - be proud of your progress! :)



this is just a little smile :P hahaha :P my brother was finding out how the camera did work :P so on this picture is a little smile because I wanted to explain to him how the camera works :P hahah :P


and I am very proud at my costume and progress indeed!


thank you all so much for helping me out with this!!! you all are great!!! :D

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I did run out of black elastic yesterday and I have a question,


I bought this elastic today (in the picture on the right)

and the elastic I used before was this one (in the picture on the left)


can I also use my new black elastic to go on with my costume???

won't that give any problems?






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