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SC Armor

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Finally got my armor this will be my first build, Jeff did and amazing job on the armor and was quick to send it out only took six days i was amazed, A special thanks to him. So now the question is where to start first im trying to get it done by the end of December so i can troop in the Fiesta Bowl parade this year. My boyfriend will be helping me in this build as he as put together two Tks and one clone and did a fabulous job on all three just hoping this one wont be a challenge for us. Any help from other or pointers would greatly be appreciated, I'll post a few pictures at a time as it wont allow me to post all at once.






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just finished my build the past weekend...it's not that difficult, but trimming will take it's toll on your fingertips...take your time and lots of breaks.


i've found lots of great folks on BSN and tons of great info. the support is wonderful...so ask away - the aswers are here for sure.


good luck

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hen I put my wifes together I had to trim quite abit off the bottom of the shoulder bells and also a touch off the top of the biceps. I then used a heat gun to shape them a little narrower to suit her arms, I also bent over the shoulder bridge pieces to again get a better fit on her. It wasnt a problem when I built mine but for Amanda it was a must.

Look forward to seeing pics as and when.

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Yeah im extremly tiny so we will have to trim nots off the only problem i see is that the guy who made the armor already trimmed it for me and everything so we will see how it will work out we will also need to take a heat gun to mine i need to find the boot still get some gloves and a few other things

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Finally found the boots i need and the fabric i hoping to start them this coming Tuesday so any pointers on the best way to do them would help after we start putting them together I will move this to the boot section Thanks for all your help guys!




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The scout is a pretty easy build. The instructions that came with the kit help a tonne. I always start mine by moulding the pieces with a heat gun so they fit a bit tighter. I then cut the slots for the strapping. If you cut/widen the slots first you run a better chance of heating up the armor too much in those areas and warping it. Once thats done I move onto cutting my 2" squares of velcroe and attaching them to the armor. Next is the measuring of the strapping and sewing. I always attach the back hump and bits at the end.


All in all it's an easy build. My first one took about 8 hours of work for the armor.


The boots are actually pretty simple just follow the boot tutorial.


Welcome to the forum and good luck on the build

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Thanks Lucas for your help i bought the Sc armor and he already cut the holes for the straps so i hope when i heat it up to fit me better it doesnt ruien the hole plus im so tiny we need to trim a whole lot more off. We are going to start working on it later this week should be fun.

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Ok got a little bit of my boots done, i have a friend that will sew the velcro on so hopefully she can do that for me. I am not sure if the piece that covers the tip of the boot and the sides is to big. I could down load the templets so i just drew it out from looking and the boot tutorial. So here are a couple of pics let me know what you think.





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Ok so i worked on the belt some I used ABS paste to put them together, But not sure if u should still rivet them together can someone help me out on this one and are the holes big enough to put the strapping through? I still need to bend the belt in more to fit me better Thanks for all your help guys its greatly appreciated.




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