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My KS Helmet Build

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Well ladies and gentlemen... I placed my order yesterday (September 28th). Just recieved confirmation that the helmet is currently being worked on! Here's the email that KS sent me:

Thanks again for your order Juan,


We are looking at about 2-3 weeks before shipping these pieces, and we will notify you as soon as this happens. Your set is already underway.

Thanks again, and we hope to impress you with the kit.


I am super excited! Everything I think about is that kit lol.. I just hope I won't get too overwhelmed by it! I've built two TK helmets already, so I figured that it shouldn't be too difficult. I've got clamps, a hair dryer, dremel, e6000, a little bit of experience and lots of enthusiasm!


I've bookmarked a couple of build threads for reference; so with those, it'll (hopefully) make my build easier. :)


With all that's been said... 2-3 weeks seems so far away! What should I do in the mean time? Any specific tools I should get that'll make the build a lot easier?



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Yeah, this waiting game is pretty tough. I'm usually an incredibly patient person but I'm also not usually this excited about things. I should probably start a WIP thread for my MLC helmet. Every day my armor doesn't ship is another day I spend tweaking and modding it. If my armor doesn't ship soon I'll end up with a heads up display, long range communicator, and kevlar lining ;)

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got an email from KS and he said that they are beginning to ship out the orders. mine is shipping this week (fingers crossed). i'm excited to see how it looks as they said it is from the newly improved master forms...


we'll see how it all goes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't gotten any emails yet.. but how long does it take for the helmet to ship and get to our hands? Considering that I live in puerto rico, it MIGHT take a little longer for mine to get here.. add 2 - 5 days since i live outisde the US :(

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I got a message over the weekend and my kit has shipped. I'll let you know how long it takes to reach Texas from Canada. Not sure about your location and/or other shipping considerations.


Congrats Jim :) hope it will come to you soon..

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luckily the helmet got here yesterday! it was kind of overwhelming at first, but i got here and started some minor trimming.. i don't have any pictures yet.. but if i'll get some up soon :) right now, the only thing i've trimmed is the visor area, i'm going to start working on everything else right now, hoping i can finish the helmet as soon as possible :)

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got some work done yesterday and placed the decals this morning (it was a pain in the @$$!) hhere are some pics ;)










the visor can be lifted up!




with the lens glued




any tips? critics? thoughts? ;)


something that bothers me is that the black stripes that go on the back. is there any trick that helps me place them without any problems? i think i have to place them out individually and that's not really my thing, my hand is not steady and i'll probably end up screwing up one of the lines... the three stripes on the 'forehead' are clear evidence of what i say.. i probably removed each stripe like 20 times so it looked right.


also, another thing, the snout, i tried using the gray i used for my tk helmet but the KS' gray is a lot more lighter.. is there any paint out there that matches the snout decal exactly?

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Looks good, I would cut the visor a bit more, almost until you lose the inner return edge,






This will stop the visor looking so heavy, do not remove too much!




I spent quite a while making sure the gap was tight.


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something that bothers me is that the black stripes that go on the back. is there any trick that helps me place them without any problems? i think i have to place them out individually and that's not really my thing, my hand is not steady and i'll probably end up screwing up one of the lines... the three stripes on the 'forehead' are clear evidence of what i say.. i probably removed each stripe like 20 times so it looked right.



maybe you can purchase TK-4510(trooperbay) decals..easy to apply and I think more accurate than KS..anyway I've replaced decals on my KS with that and I'm quite happy how it looks now..

..enjoy with your build-up :) good work so far!!

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maybe you can purchase TK-4510(trooperbay) decals..easy to apply and I think more accurate than KS..anyway I've replaced decals on my KS with that and I'm quite happy how it looks now..

..enjoy with your build-up :) good work so far!!


Ditto that...I put Trooperbay decals on mine too.

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i'll try to get the decals asap.. as well a new snout piece too? i think i've read that KS' snout isn't accurate and needs to be replaced? i wanna go for lancer too just in case. and for the visor, i saved the pictures and i'll use them for reference for when i trim tomorrow.

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you need to replace snout greeblie as well..contact MC for that.

also the bolts..try here..



hope that helps :)


anyway..here's all that you need to do


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