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Hi guys,


My name is Michael, BH-7829, and am part of the Redback Garrison, in Queensland, Australia. I have completed several costumes including a Scout. I recently bought Lonescouts kit from him and it arrived home recently. It is a great outfit, but some of the paint is starting to flake around flexing parts (ie: round the edge of the tank) and from just general wear and tear, so I'm going to repaint it. From what I have read in alot of the threads here, his colours are also not "screen accurate" compared to other KST's out there. I like the look, but it's too green in comparison. I have been to the local hardware store and found a colour which I consider on the money for the base coat. Here in Australia, it's called Dulux Savannah A176W if that helps any overseas troopers. If I go with it, I will post up the colour chart for anyone wishing to dupicate the colour. I scanned the sample card I got, but it looks like it come out more peach coloured. But I assure you it is a beige with a tinge of green. Here is a photo of it which looks a little closer. It's the bottom one. I like the middle one, but I think it's too green. LMK what you guys think.


Cheers in advace for all the help you will give me over the next few weeks,






Looks good for a base. Good luck with the repaint, great to see a few nire CBs coming into action here in Oz!


Hoping to get up for DW troop 2012, might have to have a CB get together :)

Guest badtourist9

Sweet bro, I'm trying to get a CB done b4 dreamworld also, i think that'll make 3 in the redbacks shortly. Is that dulux a176w stuff a paint match or already pre-made?


They will have to make it up, but it's a standard colour in the Dulux range, it's the closest standard colour i could find after scouring the 1000's of colours on the wall. I got it from Bunnings.


hey Dan i hate too correct you but there is also another garrison member in quennsland who has also jumped on mrB lastest run as well.


micheal can't wait too see your new costume. I suggest that for painting that all 4 of us get together for 1 or 2 days and paint all the suits all the same colours so we don't mismatch each other.


also how is your cummerbund coming along?


cheers Bigmac.


Who is #4?


I am hoping to use the Cummerbun I have, it was green, I am in the process of changing it to grey. I am hoping to get it wearable for CoF next weekend. But that is a big hope. If not by then, definitely the MS Moonwalk in October. If my colours work our as good as I hope, we can all match. They are all available from your local paint shop. They are just Dulux paints.


I have started sanding all the armour back and priming it. I can see a few late nights coming up :P

Guest badtourist9

fully keen to get together for a paint matching sesh once i get started on my hard armor, i have cams done, boots are keneth coles and done, gloves are almost done, molded the greb made the glove now just need the pad and stripes for the top part of hand, have the mother-inlaw working on the cummerbund , all comeing together:)


hey mate - yeah Angelos kit was done pre-high res pics. He was affectionately known as the swamp trooper.

you got the card from Mr Bungle I suppose?


I have colour matched it a while ago for European trooper to a dulux colour as well, its gooseberry fool shade 4 over here




but your colour match is very close - should be fine!!

when you first put it on it looks real pale, but done worry, as you weather it up and the camo goes on, the contrast begins to bring out the green more


Wow!!! im thrilled to be reading this, that the Redback Garrison may soon have 4 KST's Bring on DW 2012

  • 7 months later...

Well it's been a while but I think I'm finally finished. These pics I took a few days ago, and have since fixed up a few loose bits and weathered the cummerbund, pouches and gloves.


Big thanks goes out to Bigmac and Jimah for the help with colours. And my wife for sewing up all the bits and pieces.







Awesome! Notice a few small details (that are just in the fitting, as per any new costume):

- your right forearm guard has got tucked into your glove. Easy fix ;)

- your belt seems to be slightly off to the side, as one drop box totally covers a thigh pouch.


As I understand it, the shoulder bells should have no visible strapping. Mine sit perfectly with velcro inside the bell and on the shoulder. The bell is padded up with knee-pad foam, for the height. However this was as per build advice from Mr Bungle, and I notice this is not clear in the CRL. Also there are several very fine, approved CBs, who have the elastic strap on the bells. So it may be of no consequence.


That is my only constructive advice, and they are easily fixed!


Nice work Major! Aussie CBs, roll out! :)


thanks mate.


Yes the drop boxes have been fixed, they are just velcroed behind the belt. And the forearm bit, well my better half wasn't in the mood to help dress me after she slaved over a sewing machine for almost 2 days, hence the not fantastic looking photos :P


I will have to look into the shoulder bells. My kit is mostly an old PGHFETT kit, made of fibreglass, so it's a bit on the heavy side. The last thing I want is for one to fall off.


I hear you re: Wife was not in the mood after slaving over the sewing machine. My wife still curses box pockets after I drafted her for those ;)


It is not clear in the CRL whether strapping is a 'go or no' thing, and looking at these screen caps from Grumpy it almost appears that there is strapping from the shoulder bells:



The last thing you want is bits dropping off or breaking before, during or after a troop!


Good luck with approval!


Looks great, Michael. Big difference from the green shade that Angelo had. Yeah, that fiberglass can be heavy. I know that velcro is the preferred method to hold the shoulder bells down, but I always have the fear that mine will come unsnapped from the top and fall off and crack. Those screen caps really don't define it either. And the cgi stills of the KST itself, are just that...cgi. Doesn't transfer well into reality for us. If you want to keep the straps for the shoulder bells, I would suggest changing it to a darker color to blend in with the dark brown camo. Others, like myself, use black elastic.


One thing...the helmet does not have the "Kashyyyk fishhook" symbol on the right side. It appears only on the left side of the helmet. Your helmet has it on both sides.


But, overall, well done! Way to revive Angelo's armor. B)


I am in the process of putting a kit together as well, so I am not an expert. But I see you have the visor decal on both sides of the visor, I believe it is only supposed to be on the left side? If I am wrong, please enlighten me. Other than that looks really good.


Way to go Mike. I see another Kashyyyk in the near future.


I also agree with James and Grumpy concerning the shoulder bells. They can be heavy and you may have to use the elastic to keep them in position while you move around. I also noticed your belt buckle appears to be on the inside of your belt. If possible, the buckle should appear on the oustide of the belt. Also, the grey pieces used to bridge your chest and back armor (across the top of your shoulders) appears to be lifting. You might want to try afixing velcro the under sides to keep them down, or.......I actually constructed new ones using a small piece of grey Marine Vinyl. The vinyl is a lot more flexible and willl stay down while hiding the gap between your armor pieces if you use velcro on the chest and back armor.


Otherwise, you are looking great.


Yes, the grey strap came undone as I was suiting up, It's fixed now. I didn't notice til after that it had popped. I will change the buckle, I do have another one here somewhere. I did replace the elastic to a black one as I didn't like the final look of the "grey/green" colour I painted them. As for the decal, I never really took much notice of it. The sheet had 2 on it, so I thought there was one on both sides. Easy fix, and will do that tonight.


thanks for the reviews :)


nice one mate

kits parts look good, although the most obvious thing to fix (and also the easiest to fix) - is the way its sitting on you.


the armour looks like its hanging to low in several areas. the bicep armour should sit JUST under the bell. And the elbow armour also has to be pulled up. The cummerbund appears to be sitting low, as does the belt, the overall look is that its elongating your body? In contrast - the chest armour appears to be sitting a little high - again a common problem. By doing these 2 suggestions (ie pulling bund and belt up and lowering the chest plate) - you will fix the rd spacing problem of the large space between the bottom edge of your chest armour and the top edge of the 1st bund box.


I'd agree with Grumpy abt the straps to the Bells. It stops mine from flopping about. I would change to either black, or if you have dyed DPM left, you can use that too!


Comm tech is correct, the decal should only be on YOUR left of the visor.


Looking good trooper, wont be long now




Looking good! A couple of small (non-essential) fixes... on your cod piece I notice a few loose threads. I had the same issue but found that dabbing them down into place with craft glue or (better) super glue stopped them from flapping loose from the cod. Otherwise top stuff... hope you get to debut it at DW this weekend!


Good luck with approval, no other suggestions from me :)

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