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Never worked with ABS plastic...help!?

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my SC armor just arrived. am soooo excited. as a teacher, i have a few more days off from work, then the long weekend before heading back to school...so i'll be a busy boy. so here are my questions:


1) how fitted should the tank be? should the line be left straight, or should i take out a curve so that it sits flush - like the red line in the pic?



2) with the thigh boxes, do i cut the edge flair down so that it is flat, or do i leave?



3) if i need to sand edges, do i use wet sandpaper? dry? a mix? what grit? etc, etc.


4) once i'm done sanding, how do i get back the "shine" of the plastic?



maybe the last one won't really matter as i will be weathering the armor anyway...but i want the option of "looking parade ready".


oh, and off the topic - if there is a canon event, does a weathered costume "disqualify" you?

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1. Leave the line straight. The Studio Creations tank does not fit as clean as the MonCal tank.


This is the screen used tank , ignore how loose it is.



This is mine:



2. You can leave it as is or trim it some with a Dremil.


3. You can use sandpaper to sand, just sand on edges and it will keep the gloss of the armor in tact, avoid leaving sanding or cut marks on surfaces if you can.


4. If you really want the shine, use Novus Plastic Polish.


There are two versions of the scout widely accepted. Both are considered Canon for LFL events. The clean scout seen in the hanger of the death star:



And the dirty scouts as seen on Endor:


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thanks. next question (assuming you don't mind be barraged by me): how much space is there between my chin and the "collar" of the chest plate? just wondering how much i may have to shorten the shoulder.


also, my SC chest plate has a more squared look as compared to some that are more rounded. is there a problem with that?

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thanks. next question (assuming you don't mind be barraged by me): how much space is there between my chin and the "collar" of the chest plate? just wondering how much i may have to shorten the shoulder.


also, my SC chest plate has a more squared look as compared to some that are more rounded. is there a problem with that?



The bottom of your chestplate should line up somewhere around the bottom of your sternum when worn, adjust shoulders accordingly. The SC armor is just fine in it's appearance.

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Thanks for the info Witness, my KS helmet and armor kit will be here Friday, and I've nevertried anything like this before so I'm really worried!


Don't be nervous...trust me. I had never done anything like this before either. But with a little patience, time, and hard work it is actually not to difficult. I am on a month and a half so far with a month worth of research before that and I am so close to finishing I can taste it. Just a few more days...just a few more days...

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Don't be nervous...trust me. I had never done anything like this before either. But with a little patience, time, and hard work it is actually not to difficult...


Agreed. After building a Republic Commando suit, scout armour is very simple. Just take your time, make sure everything fits before you do any cutting and you'll come out with some great stuff.

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Don't be nervous...trust me. I had never done anything like this before either. But with a little patience, time, and hard work it is actually not to difficult. I am on a month and a half so far with a month worth of research before that and I am so close to finishing I can taste it. Just a few more days...just a few more days...


Agreed, I think it is part of the fun! Luis is really leading the pack on us newbies! ^_^

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