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Hello everyone!


I just had a few armor questions I wanted to ask. In about 3 weeks I should be getting my helmet and armor (both KS kits), and I was hoping to get a few questions answered while I wait. I've tried to find the answers and have read some conflicting and different answers, so hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction and clear some things up for me. =]


My first question is what to use to attach the armor to yourself. I'm going to be using velcro on the back side of various armor pieces and sew some into the flight suit, but what kind of band/elastic do I use to hold it around my arm/leg? I've read a few different things that people say to use, so if anyone has a personal recommendation that would be great.



The other question I had was about cutting down the armor to fit me. I know when I get the armor kit I'm going to have to dremmel/cut the armor down extensively to be porportionate to my size (about 5'1" and a girl lol). So my question is, if I cut off a lot will I not be able to be validated? I know I'm going to have to take off several inches all around on certain pieces like the chest piece, so I'll probably be cropping out a lot of detail. Is this going to be a problem?


As I run into issues and have questions I'll probably post them here, so thank you in advance for putting up with my noobness!!


Not familiar with KS armor so I can't give you a good answer. I know it's wide, so you might have some issues there. I know way back when I joined there was a member who was working on a KS kit and she did a great job with it. I'll see if I can find the old thread and link you to it.


Ok, found it.


Here ya go.


Awesome, thank you so much!! I know there is a tutorial on how to assemble the KS lid and armor, I'm on my phone so I'm having problems searching... Do you know if it's still up or even useful?


The lid, is not as hard as you might think. I've put together 1 for a friend, and have 2 more waiting for me to put together. Just take it slow, and fit everything together before you make it permanent.


How long did he KS helmet take you to assemble?

Not familiar with KS armor so I can't give you a good answer. I know it's wide, so you might have some issues there. I know way back when I joined there was a member who was working on a KS kit and she did a great job with it. I'll see if I can find the old thread and link you to it.


I know that gal! She's tiny and her kit looks pretty good. I've trooped with her a few times and aside from her being the smallest scout we've got up here, she fits right in otherwise.

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