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TB build advice

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So myMC armour arived last night & I started to plan the build - however a few things cropped upthat I'd like to tap your brains about.


The underlying issue is that I haven't used a needle & thread for about 25 years since primary school and have NEVER used a sewing machine. From the instructions on the build sewing is required for:


- connecting belt loops that fasten around the plastic fasteners/clips

- sewing elastic loops (i.e. knee pads)

- putting together the shoulder 't-junction'

- connecting varous velcro patches to varoious soft parts of the uniform




My questions:


1. Can this sewing be done by hand? If so is there a specific needle I require? Any tips or tricks?


2. Should I beg, borrow a sewing machine & learn how to use it?


3. Can I use poppers instead? If so, is there any specific place I SHOULDN'T use poppers? Specifically can I use them...

  • for the shoulder bells? or would it cause them to sit too high?
  • for the shoulder T-junction - any secret designs feel free to PM me B)
  • for the bund? (by the way does the velcro/poppers sit behind the pockets or the belt?)
  • for the belt, connecting the belt loops to the plastic fasteners as they will be hidden behind the detanator
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1. It would not be as neat as doing it by machine and definitely not as strong. I would say no hand sewing.


2. Yes, it's a good idea if you are costuming to learn to use a sewing machine. I bought one when I was starting and taught myself to sew. I made my own cummerbund, vest, boots and assembled another person's costume as well. I've done all the sewing for 3 biker scout costumes. You'll also find you can do things around the house, like hem pants, mend rips...


3. Poppers? You mean rivets? or snaps?


  • for the shoulder bells? or would it cause them to sit too high?
  • for the shoulder T-junction - any secret designs feel free to PM me
  • for the bund? (by the way does the velcro/poppers sit behind the pockets or the belt?)
  • for the belt, connecting the belt loops to the plastic fasteners as they will be hidden behind the detanator


  • Use velcro to hold the shoulder bells to your vest/undersuit.
  • If you velcro your shoulder bells, you won't need a t-junction.
  • I use snaps on my cummerbund to hold my belt in place. One side through the cummerbund, other glued to belt.
  • Use pop rivets for connections on the belt, except for the plastic fasteners, those need to be sewed.



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Sorry Witness - sometimes I can be Peter Deringo..I no speaka da lingo!




I haven't spoken cockney for years. I spend less time online since me trouble and strife had the first basin of gravy. Always too barb wired to chat with me mates these days.


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I haven't spoken cockney for years


COCKNEY???? Don't tar me with the same brush as those lady-boys down south!!!!


Up north we speak the Queen's English - How now brown cow....the rain in spain falls mainly on the plane...where's the pub...etc.

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COCKNEY???? Don't tar me with the same brush as those lady-boys down south!!!!


Up north we speak the Queen's English - How now brown cow....the rain in spain falls mainly on the plane...where's the pub...etc.



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[*]Use velcro to hold the shoulder bells to your vest/undersuit.

[*]If you velcro your shoulder bells, you won't need a t-junction.


Agreed! Velcro the bells to the vest. It's what I did, and it's just much simpler, IMHO.

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Don't forget to post pictures of your build. I'm in the process of ordering MC armor and would love to see your progress.


hey I'd love to be one of those guys who is confident enough to document their build but the truth is I've only been at this for a little while so I'd feel a little easier doing it quietly.


The last thing I need to see are people quoting from the great film that is 'Dirty anal Kelly'...."Don't do it like that, do it like this" (cue music).


I took the Lexan Scissors to the shoulder bridges last night...measure 10 times cut once! I've now just about got the whole thing planned

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The last thing I need to see are people quoting from the great film that is 'Dirty anal Kelly'...."Don't do it like that, do it like this" (cue music).


But that is the only enjoyment those of us who have already gone through this get. We get to sit and watch someone else yell "DOH!" :)

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But that is the only enjoyment those of us who have already gone through this get. We get to sit and watch someone else yell "DOH!" :)


I will be saying "DOH" a lot...! I'm all thumbs and can't sew my way out of a paper bag. But, I'm learning! :D

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Well here is my masterplan that I will be starting over my long weekend off.


I think that's the way I'm going to go. 3 poppers on each shoulder, bicep - works with my TK. Will also back up with velcro on the inside of the armour and on the corresponding areas of the soft parts. May also sub a popper for velcro where I can't draw back the elastic for syorage & transport.


I'm going to place a couple of poppers on the top front & back of my bund to connect to corresponding poppers at the bottom of my chest & back piece. This should keep the bund in place as well as acting as a counter-balence to stop the chest piece rotating backwards due to the bullet backpack!


Sides will be elastic sewn on to velcro or poppers or a mix - I don't really want to trim the holes out & would like to store & transport these pieces seperate.


I'm going to sew what I need to though but opted for a £15 sewing machine (below), just because I don't have the time, patience or polite vocabulary to hand sew with a 2 ankle-biters running around!!


http://www.amazon.co.uk/eSecure-Stitch- ... 638&sr=8-1


The knee - 2 poppers & velcro to hold with corresponding patch on the undersuit.


I'll be sweing 2 lengths of elastic into the bund to act as braces.


The only thing I'm not 100% about a t-bridge at the shoulders. I don't like the hassle of MC's method of wrapping cloth around the brigde so I'm going to sew a tube that slots over the bridge - unfortunately I won't be able to attach elastic directly to it or the t-bridge as it'll be covered. Thus enter the 'Y-bridge'!! I'll attach using poppers & two pieces of elastic to the front & back of the bridge either side of the cloth tube and connect them to a popper that corresponds with the one to the top of my shoulder bell, making a 'V', then run elastic down to the bicep.


Any thoughts? I'm off the forums from about 4pm-ish (GMT) until Wednesday so keep the doh's to yourselves!!!


Below: The masterplan itself!!!!


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