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Thermal Detonator Details

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So now that I have placed all my major orders I am noticing all the small things that I thought came with my armor kit but apparently did not. A few days ago I realized I needed decals for the back tank and now I am noticing that I need to place "shapes" on the thermal det.? So what exactly are these greeblies and what can I make them out of or purchase them from?


As always, thanks for the help and advice.

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Guest lonestar

contact MC. i have a set from him for mine. there are 3 rectangle pieces and a knob. pm me i may be able to part with my set. also there are no decals on the detonator

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contact MC. i have a set from him for mine. there are 3 rectangle pieces and a knob. pm me i may be able to part with my set. also there are no decals on the detonator


I have sent MC emails and messages in regards to a few other things and I have gotten nothing in the way of a response so that wont help me I think. I sent you a PM though...

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I have sent MC emails and messages in regards to a few other things and I have gotten nothing in the way of a response so that wont help me I think. I sent you a PM though...


It can take several days to a week or more to hear from MonCal. He has been extremely busy and has posted so on this forum. You've only been at your build for a few weeks. Patience yound padawon...

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It can take several days to a week or more to hear from MonCal. He has been extremely busy and has posted so on this forum. You've only been at your build for a few weeks. Patience yound padawon...


I have patience...that is not the issue. I have seen MonCal's posts about being behind on messages and I get it and respect it.. But a week or two is a long time to wait for a response per question. So if he responds after a week, and then I respond...and I wait another week for him to respond...next thing you know its been a month just to get my questions answered and place an order and then another month or two to get it.


But if it something as simple as making some shapes, or if someone else has some they can part with, I would rather ask the forums and get lucky than have to wait months for something so simple.


What I am saying is I don't want you all to think that I am sitting here chomping at the bit or trying to be annoying by asking several questions. This hobby has become my life...and TB is not my first costume (jedi was my first). So while I have only been at this one for a few weeks, I have really been into it for months. And while some folks only get a few hours a week to work on their stuff, I have a few hours a night (most nights). So I am really not rushing as you may think I am...just more or less using the time I have.


Wow I rambled on there...sorry bout that, LOL.



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Guest Snakesoul

There is a post on the trade forums that sells some of them. Not sure how they look or are since not much are replying about it but might be something worth looking into. I know there are a bunch of built threads on the greeblies in the armor section i think or someone posted how they did it in their build.


If your still waiting on your armor kit from MonCal or anything, might want to put in the order for the greeblies so it's all in one package and saves you some of the devliery costs.


But I will see if I can find some of those threads for you to look at and helpfully give you an idea of how other troopers are doing it. I'm thinking of holding off and see what I can find or try out some of these new vendors appearing on the forums and give them a shot.

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I wanted to share this...


I'm no kid (42) but I started this off wayyyyyyyy too fast and was too impulsive and not very patient. I bought before I looked and/or asked questions. I ended up getting junk or the wrong stuff. So...


I have decided to get my base costume down (soft parts, boots, blaster, armor, and helmet) - as close as possible without making myself crazy or broke! I'm going to do my best to get it right from the get-go, but I know that there will be little bits and pieces required down the road. I have to keep reminding myself that there is no hurry or race. I am going to get the costume done to where I am happy, take some pics, enjoy the costume and experience, and apply for the 501st - this is phase 1 for me. I do plan to apply for Lancer, but I have a lot of learning and growing to do before I can go to that level.


You are on the way and making great progress, plus your weapon skills are awesome. Hang in there man...it's coming together! I'm sure you know this but BSN has some of the best people, who have the very best handle on this costume (witness, MC, and others)!

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Hang in there man...it's coming together! I'm sure you know this but BSN has some of the best people, who have the very best handle on this costume (witness, MC, and others)!


And THAT is why I ask the questions...cause these guys are awesome. And I hope I can answer questions some day like they do!

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MonCal greebles (photo courtesy of Ducman82)




DIY style greebles (photo courtesy of Lonewolf -pre alteration)




Both of these sets of greebles would be approvable. You will find that most Lancer use MonCal greebles. Lonewolf changed from what he had pictured above to MonCal greebles on his final Lancer application, but I would have approved his DIY style greebles actually made by Don Jarr I believe.

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MonCal greebles (photo courtesy of Ducman82)




DIY style greebles (photo courtesy of Lonewolf -pre alteration)




Both of these sets of greebles would be approvable. You will find that most Lancer use MonCal greebles. Lonewolf changed from what he had pictured above to MonCal greebles on his final Lancer application, but I would have approved his DIY style greebles actually made by Don Jarr I believe.


You rock Dave, thanks!!

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Great advice as usual Dave, I prefer Moncal's greeblies over Don Jarr's version, this is why I changed them.

At the minute we haven't got a good reference pic on what they actually look like, there may be variations in the originals as well, and we do know there were screen used Biker Scouts without any greeblies on the TD.Maybe fell off!


George Lucas apparently was the first to call any Star Wars detail a greeblie, a term that means nothing to anybody but Star Wars costumers.

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