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SC Armor WIP...Need Help!

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So I got my SC armor and I have started working on it. I built the thermal detonator, sanded all my corners and edges, and started the strapping. I have a feeling I am going to have to cut something, since I am 5'4. Something just doesn't seem right. My flight suit is a bit big, but I figure that wont matter once I have my armor and cummerbund on. Maybe I am putting it on wrong. I don't know....I need help. Bunch of pictures below...













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Wearing the cummerbund should make the fight suit look a lot better fitting. The arm armor should be OK like that for approval, but you can make it look better by trimming the bottom of the shoulder bells down just a little, and maybe a little bit of the top of the bicep armor too.

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Your shoulder bells are actually too low. Without the chest armor on, it's not obvious how high up above the shoulder they should sit. They should start about an inch down from the chest/back join. I think once you get that sorted out, you'll probably find you won't have to do much of anything.





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Also, your suit is a little more baggier then it needs to be, and I don't think the bund will solve all the bagginess problems. When you put that bund on, the strap that will connect to the back would cause the suit to balloon out. I would def have the suit taken in so it fits better.

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Based on the look and feel along with the feedback I got, I have ordered a smaller size flight suit. If it is too small I will have the one I own now taken in. So more to come on that when I get it...but for now...


Now as far as the armor, I tried to get the shoulders as close to the chest as I could. I do think I need to do some something, but I want to double check with you guys first! The blue tape in the photo is where I plan to cut. I have measured 1" on the shoulders and 0.5" on the bicep. What do you guys think? Am I just to short to be a biker? LOL


Something doesn't feel right!!!


Another side question I have...Do you tuck the forearm into the gloves or put it over top? I have seen it both ways across the 501st photos I have seen.





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Getting there man! I have an inexpensive black flight suit that is my coat/pant size; def get something similar. Flight suits are typically more baggy but good to start, that's what I'm doing for now. I will get a better, more racing style suit down the road. Take your time and be patient. B)

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What Witness and Jim said. Def be patient and don't rush the build. Take your time, measure twice and cut once, etc. We're not going anywhere.

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Guest Snakesoul

Take your time 100%, started mine and got most of the belt together, kind of screwed up the cutting on the thigh box....I cut a small opening and the fabric was getting stuck for some reason to the point it was tearing into it so wanted to cut it a bit bigger and smooth the cutting out and ended up making a really big whole. Going to see how it looks once it's all together, if it's really noticeable I will try and see what I can do to patch it up or might just buy replaceable parts from SC and be alittle more careful.


Just make sure you post everything your unsure of on the forums and don't do the same mistake I did and decide to just go with it...well not always a bad idea but sometimes not worth it :P

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I have done some trimming and some more strapping over the last day or two. I will get additional photos up in the next day or two. I also cut my slots for the belt webbing so I can start working on the belt. Tonight I have access to a rivet gun, but I have several questions before I proceed.


1. I know that the tank topper is riveted to the top of the tank and that to bottom of the tank is riveted to the back piece. Where and how is the top of the tank attached to the back? I can't see a rivet in the reference photos but glue doesn't seem like it would be enough.


2. The two side pieces of the belt that attach to the center are not even. One side is cut longer than the other. Does the long side get tucked under and riveted to the center, or does the short side? I have the SC are for those that don't know what I am talking about.


3. When attaching the webbing to the ends to complete the belt, is it safe to use some spare ABS as like a washer to keep the rivets from coming threw the webbing?


4. The buckle part that actually attaches to the belt has no way to thread through like the part that goes on the boxes. That probably does not make sense without posting a photo but if you know wha I mean, how do I attach the webbing to those ends of the buckle? Do I sow it or pull it through my slots and attach it some how from the back of the belt?


Some of those questions might be hard without photos but I don't have access to my camera today and it will be a while before I have access to a rivet gun again so any help would be great.

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Here are some photos to help with my questions...


1) I know that the tank topper is riveted to the top of the tank and that to bottom of the tank is riveted to the back piece. Where and how is the top of the tank attached to the back? I can't see a rivet in the reference photos but glue doesn't seem like it would be enough. (no photo needed)


2) The two side pieces of the belt that attach to the center are not even. One side is cut longer than the other. Does the long side get tucked under and riveted to the center, or does the short side? I have the SC are for those that don't know what I am talking about. See in the photo, do I tuck the long side under the center? or Flip it around and tuck the short side under?




3) 3. When attaching the webbing to the ends to complete the belt, is it safe to use some spare ABS as like a washer to keep the rivets from coming threw the webbing? (no photo needed)


4) The buckle part that actually attaches to the belt has no way to thread through like the part that goes on the boxes. That probably does not make sense without posting a photo but if you know wha I mean, how do I attach the webbing to those ends of the buckle? Do I sow it or pull it through my slots and attach it some how from the back of the belt? See what I mean...the "male" end of the buckle can be threaded so you can adjust the size...but the other side can't be -- So what do I do with that side?






As always...I appreciate the help.

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1) I know that the tank topper is riveted to the top of the tank and that to bottom of the tank is riveted to the back piece. Where and how is the top of the tank attached to the back? I can't see a rivet in the reference photos but glue doesn't seem like it would be enough. (no photo needed)


2) The two side pieces of the belt that attach to the center are not even. One side is cut longer than the other. Does the long side get tucked under and riveted to the center, or does the short side? I have the SC are for those that don't know what I am talking about. See in the photo, do I tuck the long side under the center? or Flip it around and tuck the short side under?


3) 3. When attaching the webbing to the ends to complete the belt, is it safe to use some spare ABS as like a washer to keep the rivets from coming threw the webbing? (no photo needed)


4) The buckle part that actually attaches to the belt has no way to thread through like the part that goes on the boxes. That probably does not make sense without posting a photo but if you know wha I mean, how do I attach the webbing to those ends of the buckle? Do I sow it or pull it through my slots and attach it some how from the back of the belt? See what I mean...the "male" end of the buckle can be threaded so you can adjust the size...but the other side can't be -- So what do I do with that side?


1. I had my garrison armorer make a tongue by cutting the backplate and folding it back so the single rivet through the tank topper would also hold the top of the tank to the backplate.





2. Short side


3. Yes, you can use a piece of ABS, I used a special large metal disk washer. For the life of me, I can't remember what they are called.


4. All attachments at buckles should be sewed. PS. If you are intending to go for lancer, you will need to replace your white nylon webbing straps on your drop boxes with off white cotton webbing.


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1. I had my garrison armorer make a tongue by cutting the backplate and folding it back so the single rivet through the tank topper would also hold the top of the tank to the backplate.





2. Short side


3. Yes, you can use a piece of ABS, I used a special large metal disk washer. For the life of me, I can't remember what they are called.


4. All attachments at buckles should be sewed. PS. If you are intending to go for lancer, you will need to replace your white nylon webbing straps on your drop boxes with off white cotton webbing.



So for those of us that can't cut a tongue like you did...is a second rivet painted white maybe allowed? I do intend to go for lancer someday and I don't want that to be unacceptable.


I do intend to get the cotton webbing but this is what I have for now.

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So for those of us that can't cut a tongue like you did...is a second rivet painted white maybe allowed? I do intend to go for lancer someday and I don't want that to be unacceptable.


I do intend to get the cotton webbing but this is what I have for now.


So I tuck the short side under and leave the long side out, correct? Just double checking...


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In that photo it looks like the side piece is on top, not tucked behind. And the sides look even to me. Lol


On top or behind doesn't really matter. Mine is on top. And I know from my belt that the part to the back is longer. It is on the photo, just not as much as yours.

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I got my tank attached to the back piece using the tongue method that Witness suggested...see photos below.






Eventually I will probably glue a piece of ABS or something over the hole, I just don't like the way it looks. But I don't have any spare ABS at the moment.



I also got a bit of the belt done, but didn't finish. I liked the way it looks under rather than over so I went that route. I used a small strip of ABS that I cut from the shoulders to the back of the webbing to keep it in place. Again see the photos below.







Now that the shoulders are trimmed and the chest/back is close to be complete, I will probably do my third fitting tomorrow or Friday. I will post pictures like before for feedback.

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I got my tank attached to the back piece using the tongue method that Witness suggested...see photos below.






Eventually I will probably glue a piece of ABS or something over the hole, I just don't like the way it looks. But I don't have any spare ABS at the moment.



I also got a bit of the belt done, but didn't finish. I liked the way it looks under rather than over so I went that route. I used a small strip of ABS that I cut from the shoulders to the back of the webbing to keep it in place. Again see the photos below.







Now that the shoulders are trimmed and the chest/back is close to be complete, I will probably do my third fitting tomorrow or Friday. I will post pictures like before for feedback.


Looking good man.


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