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Did I make a mistake?

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I bought a resin kit online for about $50. I have cleaned it up and about to paint it so I went online looking for reference photos and I am realizing that I most likely have a resin cast of the Kenner pistol. Am I going to get denied into the 501st with this pistol? Is this going to even fit in my holster? Did I get ripped off?



Signed, A Very Frustrated Future TB

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According to the CRL:

Hold-out Blaster

  • Flat black, semi-gloss or slightly weathered.
  • The pistol should not have any visible trigger, labels or logos.


So even the Kenner blaster could be acceptable as long as the trigger is removed and no other "toy" markings are seen.

Altho, if you try to be a Lancer with one, that would be a no no.

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According to the CRL:



So even the Kenner blaster could be acceptable as long as the trigger is removed and no other "toy" markings are seen.

Altho, if you try to be a Lancer with one, that would be a no no.


Got it! I actually saw that in the reference library. Anyone know if the Kenner will even fit the SC holster? Or can it at least be modded to fit?


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It'll fit. I know a guy that troops with it for long marches since it's light weight. He does have a ks blaster though as well.


I would imagine the actual toy is lightweight, but man oh man my resin version is not light at all! LOL


Great to know it will fit though, huge sigh of relief!!!

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If it came in a white cardboard box from Arsenal Models, it might not fit. That one has an altered grip handle that's longer than the toy. Post a pic?


It did come in a white cardboard box and I got it on ebay. Here is the photo from the auction, I can post a photo of the one I got a little bit later but it is the same thing I think.




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Reminder to everyone : Careful with using names and such of non licensed makers in open threads.


And yes, that is the one Loosetoon meant.


Sad face :(


So it isn't going to fit...

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That is why we suggest people do not shop on eBay and instead ask here. I have said all the time, shopping on eBay is hit or miss on quality, price and accuracy. What you think may be a good deal can turn out to be something not acceptable.

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Yup, that's the one. Here's a pic of the actual toy and you can see what I mean. Don't feel too bad. Join the club of those of us who have made mistakes like this, myself included. How do you think I know about this pistol? Because I got one.




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Ya know, I am looking hard at the two photos, and is handle size the only thing from keeping it in the holster? I am not the most amazing craftsman in the world but I am wondering if I could cut the bottom of the handle and sand it round to make it more like the toy. Then it might fit right? Do you guys think this would be difficult or even possible to do?

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That's completely up to you. Yes, it's possible and yes it's probably difficult. It also depends on your accuracy requirements, or that of your local GML. The blaster is not required for 501st approval, but if you do have one, your GML might have thoughts about what it needs to be. Me personally, I took the loss and bought something else. You could always try and re-sell it on the bay.

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That's completely up to you. Yes, it's possible and yes it's probably difficult. It also depends on your accuracy requirements, or that of your local GML. The blaster is not required for 501st approval, but if you do have one, your GML might have thoughts about what it needs to be. Me personally, I took the loss and bought something else. You could always try and re-sell it on the bay.



I am definitely going to bite the bullet and buy a new one...but I have this one now, I might as well hack it up and see what I can do.

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I know you have given yourself a two month deadline but stop rushing into things. Haste makes waste.


A lot of people wait a lot longer for their parts. It's better to miss a con than blow a few hundred dollars on something you'll hate and regret.

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I know you have given yourself a two month deadline but stop rushing into things. Haste makes waste.


A lot of people wait a lot longer for their parts. It's better to miss a con than blow a few hundred dollars on something you'll hate and regret.





I joined here in October 2008. I purchased my first part in January 2009, finished my costume in February 2009. Sometimes research pays off.

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I joined here in October 2008. I purchased my first part in January 2009, finished my costume in February 2009. Sometimes research pays off.


I know it doesn't seem like it but I have been researching for months. I did rush when I first started buying last week but I am calmed down now, I promise...LOL. I think I just got excited really fast!!! After all this is EXCITING!!! The blaster is the only mistake I think I have really made, but I am going to try to fix it.


PS - almost made a helmet mistake too...really glad I have you guys to whip me back into shape

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I know it doesn't seem like it but I have been researching for months. I did rush when I first started buying last week but I am calmed down now, I promise...LOL. I think I just got excited really fast!!! After all this is EXCITING!!! The blaster is the only mistake I think I have really made, but I am going to try to fix it.


PS - almost made a helmet mistake too...really glad I have you guys to whip me back into shape


I still have a couple of these left http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8494 if you want one....

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I still have a couple of these left http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8494 if you want one....


I'd love to, but I have no more cash atm. I am completely over my budget now. But I will keep you mind when I get some more cash

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I'd love to, but I have no more cash atm. I am completely over my budget now. But I will keep you mind when I get some more cash


It may still be too big, I'm not sure. But it was fun to mess with. I cut off the bottom with a hand saw and then sanded the crap out of it. Now I just need to get some aluminum to remake the handle shield that I had to cut off.






I will upload photos as I get more done.

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Phase two of my modification -- I found a small metal ruler in the house which I bent, cut to size, and mounted. But not before I prepped the resin which had a ton of flaws. I had to trim and sand the crap out of it. I washed it and then glued the scope on.


Now shes ready for primer!









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Looking good!


I got a resin kit online (not on ebay) but it's a heavier, original cast. I'm doing the sanding, priming and painting now. Will post pics when complete.

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