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KS Armor problems

Guest JoJoScout

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Guest JoJoScout

I recieved my armor and helmet a while ago and after checking closely, I saw alot of dents on my helmet and armor.. I emailed KS about this.. But when there is a problem.. getting answere from them is very hard to get.. After emailing several times.. the only offer they had is send it back, well not the greatest option, cause that will cost me alot of money ( I live in The Netherlands).. But after asking for another solution, they don't give answere again..

Does any one else have problems with the KS armor? Is is normal that there are dents on it??

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check out the video i took of the armour and helmet i received from KS, After constant unanswered emails, i finally received a reply, stating they were "re-doing" their moulds. This was nearly 2 years ago. In the end they wanted me to send it all back (im in Australia) so the cost of shipping is huge, i purchased the complete set assembled, but as you can see in the video, the assembled armour is crap

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Maron, I too ordered and received a Helmet from KS already assembled, I found quite a few dents in mine and showed a few troopers they too thought it was a little much, I emailed KS I did get a quick reply but they too offered for me to send it back and offer another in return, this would be long turn around and an Extra postage from Australia, I had already waited over 2 months for the first Helmet. What concerns me the person assembling the Helmet either ignored the dents or didn't have their classes on, I agree that you do expect some dents but this was a little more. I opted to keep it but would think twice next time I order from KS.


Another Trooper also ordered an assembled Helmet from KS they too had dents but compared to mine his was perfect.


They should look at there quality and if there is a Helmet not to there satisfaction either offer discount or quickly make another before sending it out. Then they wouldn't be getting this bad advertisment.


I got my Helmet in March this year, orded before xmas.



cOwboi you got lucky ;)

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Guest JoJoScout

Whow.. that video really saddens me... that's really crap!! D*mn! :angry: can't believe a propmaker with a name like that can ship out such crap! That armor is a bit worse than mine.. Although I am not happy how mine came outof the pull..

I emailed scott from KS again, but you've guessed.. No answere... And what's the use of shipping back anyway, is he gonna resell the rejects again?? :(

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Got mine back in Oct of last year, and I took issue with the quality, and e-mailed Scott. He said he would look into it and clean things up. Had a friend get a kit, and it was..let's just say he ended up just giving it away. I just recently put one together for a squad mate, and it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad either. I don't know if it's not letting the plastic cool down enough, not cleaning the molds, etc. I enjoy my KS, despite it's flaws, I think it gives it a little character. The KS armor though, I've seen on Ebay, for white and black, being touted as Lancer class armor. :|

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...being touted as Lancer class armor.


Last I recall, there are a few lancers with KS armour. I think they tweaked the armour a bit to make it look a bit more accurate.



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I guess, if you're a bigger person and the armor looks good on you, then ok..but I dunno...I guess I should just bite my tongue and keep things to myself, especially after this weekend. People will start to think I'm a biker snob or something.:D

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Mike your not a snot :) one hopes that KS is reading this thread and taking in the information, to better their product and costumer service. If it looks shabby and a second they need to offer a discount or remake it before it is shipped out, it may take longer, I think every one would agree no ones can make perfection every time, but sending the item out with unacceptable flaws over seas is darn right neglectful on their part, and more threads like this will pop up. I myself would love to buy another KS bucket for my son but to get another one like mine I'm not going to at this stage.


Another tit bit, being so naive I assumed all armor was the same I had purchased a topper from KS thinking it would fit my kit from another seller but it extremely large and no use to me, that of course is not their fault, but I was told later by a friend those toppers only fit their kits I wish they had mentioned this when I was ordering it, again it comes down to costumer service and communication.


This is some constructive criticism KS I hope your taking it all in. :)

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I have the KS helmet kit and have encountered the same problems. Like others said, if you want to send it back they offer to send you another one (you pay the shipping). I will just go the fill-in and paint route once we finish moving, paint and filler is cheaper than shipping back to them and waiting another month or so for a new kit.

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I'm currently selling a set of KS armor in the Trade section in this forum ( http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8338 ). I have a CAPRICORN ARMOR (CA) as my Scout, but I wanted to have something more accurate to upgrade the CHEST PIECE, and maybe other parts of my current costume. I found out the hard way that the KS armor is smaller (and I'm not a big guy either), compared to the CA, and I LOVE the customization I've made for my back piece, so the project of upgrading was scratched off.


Now, I've taken some pics of the one I'm selling (again, pics are there in the TRADE topic) which is 5 years old NEW still in the box, and in comparison to the video I saw here, mine is not as bad as the one in the video. Another thing, I trust in my own way of doing things when it comes to assembly or paint armor of any kind, but the helmet would be the exception to the rule with KS, which I would let him do it for me. I've heard the helmet assembly is not a walk in the park.


Another thing I've noticed is the cut on the "tank" on the back, leaving huge gaps in between. It doesn't go along with the shape of the back itself; so I would suggest to take that rivet out of the bottom (and whatever is holding the top) without damaging the tank itself, draw a line with a pencil where you should cut along to the shape, but keep the bottom intact, since it's where you will start the line along throught the top, and both edges should finish together at the bottom closer to your lower back. The cut around the tank goes mostly for the sides and the top... probably about an inch from the current edge depending on the area to be cut.


If I have a costructive criticism for KS, which I still admire and respect regardless of the current situation, and being one of the pioneers of Scout armor makers.... I would use some BONDO and sanding to cover or correct those gaps on the molds, and you will be surprised how much for around $20 could change everything.

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Guest JoJoScout

Got email little while ago.. again just the option of sending back, standard shipping would be refunded.. But standard shipping means.. not able to find out in any way if it arrives back on destination... I don't like this at all, I mean I live in The Netherlands.. I guess I give up and just keep the armor.. I started to search online for pictures of the screen used helmet and armor for reference.. I am gonna make mine like the battle damaged version. Will take some time and effort, but I will get some good help... so gonna try to make an awesome armor out of it afterall..

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  • 3 months later...

I found this topic and wanted to share my experience with KS. I ordered the armor and helmet kits from KS. It has been about 10 weeks, several emails, and several missed ship dates...still nothing. I did finally get a note from KS stating that due to a quality control issue (discolored parts), my kit is being recast. So, more delays, but hopefully the product will be worth it. Scott has been very responsive with me and appears to be trying to make things right. I'll post pics once I get the kit. B)

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Ordered mine Exactly a Month ago, a Do it yourself Rough Cut Helmet. Time line he gave it should have been done and ready to ship now, sent a email off a few days ago, No reply.


Will give it 5 days then email again, really need the kit before end of October for my first troop. Heard many good things about KS but after reading this thread, not so much now, wondering whether my money was wisely spent now?

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Ordered mine Exactly a Month ago, a Do it yourself Rough Cut Helmet. Time line he gave it should have been done and ready to ship now, sent a email off a few days ago, No reply.


Will give it 5 days then email again, really need the kit before end of October for my first troop. Heard many good things about KS but after reading this thread, not so much now, wondering whether my money was wisely spent now?


No excuses, but I think they are slammed. They do have a really established name and put out a good product. Don't worry...just stay on it (and them). I am not the most patient person but I feel it will be worth the wait for me. Hang in there!

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No excuses, but I think they are slammed. They do have a really established name and put out a good product. Don't worry...just stay on it (and them). I am not the most patient person but I feel it will be worth the wait for me. Hang in there!


Thanks for that.


Yeah Scott finally got in touch with me saying mine is part of the 'next generation of sets' which he should hopefully be sending end of next week, as long as the Postal Service does not fail me I do not mind getting it mid October. I do wonder how these sets will look compared to the previous KS Helmets but if it means mine is better then :D

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Thanks for that.


Yeah Scott finally got in touch with me saying mine is part of the 'next generation of sets' which he should hopefully be sending end of next week, as long as the Postal Service does not fail me I do not mind getting it mid October. I do wonder how these sets will look compared to the previous KS Helmets but if it means mine is better then :D


Sounds like we are in the same armor boat. If everything goes as KS has stated, mine should ship this week. If it does and I get a note, I will let you know! :ph34r:

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Of course, I'm hoping that I'll be able to create a build thread but sine it will be my first scout helmet build I'm super scared. I haven't even bought the helmet and I'm freaking out already :P But of course, I'll let you guys know!

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